


function [s,spath,sfileid,newstruct] = imake_struct_jd(dkepath,s,sname,spath,sfileid,equil,basestr,smakecmd,external,status,sbase,workdir,sdefault,opt_gui,opt_multi,opt_id,d_opt,e_opt)


 This function is the general interactive function for the structure s.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [s,spath,sfileid,newstruct] = imake_struct_jd(dkepath,s,sname,spath,sfileid,equil,basestr,smakecmd,external,status,sbase,workdir,sdefault,opt_gui,opt_multi,opt_id,d_opt,e_opt)
0002 %
0003 % This function is the general interactive function for the structure s.
0004 %
0005 %
0006 if nargin < 18,
0007     e_opt = 1;
0008 end
0009 if nargin < 17,
0010     d_opt = 1;
0011 end
0012 if nargin < 16,
0013     opt_id = 1;
0014 end
0015 if nargin < 15,
0016     opt_multi = 0;
0017 end
0018 if nargin < 14,
0019     opt_gui = true;
0020 end
0021 if nargin < 13,
0022     sdefault = '';
0023 end
0024 if nargin < 12,
0025     workdir = pwd;
0026 end
0027 if nargin < 11,
0028     sbase = '';
0029 end
0030 if nargin < 10,
0031     status = 0;
0032 end
0033 if nargin < 9,
0034     external = '';
0035 end
0036 if nargin < 8,
0037     smakecmd = '';
0038 end
0039 if nargin < 7,
0040     error('Not enough arguments.');
0041 end
0042 %
0043 newstruct = 0;
0044 %
0045 if e_opt && isempty(equil),
0046     disp(['-----> An equilibrium structure must exist to create a ''',sname,''' structure.']);
0047     return
0048 end
0049 %
0050 ns = length(s);
0051 %
0052 if e_opt,
0053     sbase_eq = [sbase,'_',];
0054 else
0055     sbase_eq = sbase;
0056 end
0057 %
0058 % Case of a single structure
0059 %
0060 if opt_multi == 0,
0061     if status == 1,
0062         %
0063         if isempty(sfileid),
0064             disp(['The current structure ''',sname,''' is not saved separately in a file.'])
0065         else
0066             disp(['The current structure ''',sname,''' is saved in the file: ',spath,sbase_eq,'_',sfileid,'.mat']);
0067         end
0068         %
0069         m_opt = input_dke_yp(['Do you want to: \n(-1) clear the existing ''',sname,''' structure \n(0) see/modify/save the ''',sname,''' structure \n(1) load an existing ''',sname,''' structure \n(2) build a new ''',sname,''' structure\n(3) return to the main menu\n'],0,[-1,0,1,2,3]);
0070         %
0071     else
0072         %
0073         m_opt = input_dke_yp(['Do you want to: \n(1) load an existing ''',sname,''' structure \n(2) build a new ''',sname,''' structure\n(3) return to the main menu\n'],1,[1,2,3]);
0074         %
0075     end
0076 %
0077 % Case of multiple structures
0078 %
0079 else
0080     if status == 1,
0081         %
0082         for is = 1:length(s),
0083             sstr = ['--> ',sname,' # ',num2str(is),'; id : ',s{is}.id,'; '];
0084             if isempty(sfileid{is}),
0085                 disp([sstr,'This structure is not saved separately in a file.'])
0086             else
0087                 disp([sstr,'This structure is saved in the file: ',spath{is},sbase_eq,'_',sfileid{is},'.mat']);
0088             end
0089         end
0090         %
0091         m_opt = input_dke_yp(['Do you want to: \n(-1) clear existing ''',sname,''' structures \n(0) see/modify/save a ''',sname,''' structure \n(1) load existing ''',sname,''' structures \n(2) build a new ''',sname,''' structure\n(3) return to the main menu\n'],0,[-1,0,1,2,3]);
0092         %
0093     else
0094         %
0095         m_opt = input_dke_yp(['Do you want to: \n(1) load existing ''',sname,''' structures \n(2) build a new ''',sname,''' structure\n(3) return to the main menu\n'],1,[1,2,3]);
0096         %
0097     end
0098 end
0099 %
0100 if m_opt == -1,
0101     %
0102     if opt_multi == 0,
0103         %
0104         s = '';
0105         spath = '';
0106         sfileid = '';
0107         newstruct = 1;
0108         %
0109         disp(['-----> The structure ''',sname,''' is cleared.'])
0110         %
0111     else
0112         %
0113         c_list = input_dke_yp(['Provide the vector of structure ''',sname,''' numbers to be cleared '],1:ns,[1;ns]);
0114         %
0115         s(c_list) = [];
0116         spath(c_list) = [];
0117         sfileid(c_list) = [];
0118         %
0119         if length(c_list) >= 1,
0120             newstruct = 1;
0121             %
0122             disp(['-----> The structures ''',sname,''' # ',num2str(c_list),' are cleared.'])
0123             %
0124         end
0125         %
0126     end
0127     %
0128     return
0129 end
0130 %
0131 if m_opt == 1,
0132     %
0133     %if isempty(sdefault),
0134     %    sdefault = [workdir,sbase_eq,'*.mat'];
0135     %end
0136     %
0137     [s_new,path_new,file_new] = iload_struct_jd(sname,sbase,sdefault,opt_gui,opt_multi,opt_id);
0138     %
0139     if ~isempty(s_new),
0140         %
0141         if opt_multi == 0,
0142             %
0143             s = s_new;
0144             %
0145             istr = strfind(file_new,sbase_eq);
0146             if ~isempty(istr),
0147                 spath = path_new;
0148                 sfileid = file_new(length(sbase_eq)+istr+1:end-4);
0149             else% no file id specified because the format is not compatible with rundke
0150                 spath = '';
0151                 sfileid = '';
0152             end
0153             %
0154             newstruct = 1;
0155             %
0156             c_opt = input_dke_yp(['Do you want to see/modify/save the ''',sname,''' structure (y/n)'],'n',{'y','n'});
0157             %
0158             if strcmp(c_opt,'y'),
0159                 m_opt = 0;
0160             end
0161             %
0162         else
0163             %
0164             ns_new = length(s_new);
0165             %
0166             s = [s,s_new];
0167             spath = [spath,repmat({''},[1,ns_new])];
0168             sfileid = [sfileid,repmat({''},[1,ns_new])];
0169             %
0170             for is = 1:ns_new,
0171                 istr = strfind(file_new{is},sbase_eq);
0172                 if ~isempty(istr),
0173                     spath{end - ns_new + is} = path_new{is};
0174                     sfileid{end - ns_new + is} = file_new{is}(length(sbase_eq)+istr+1:end-4);
0175                 end
0176             end
0177             %
0178             newstruct = 1;
0179             %
0180         end
0181         %
0182     end
0183     %
0184 elseif m_opt == 2,
0185     %
0186     if isempty(smakecmd)
0187         disp('No make command is available for this structure');
0188         s_new = '';
0189     else
0190         if ~isstruct(external) && any(isnan(external)),
0191             s_new = feval(smakecmd,dkepath,basestr,workdir,opt_gui);
0192         elseif isfield(external,sname),
0193             s_new = feval(smakecmd,dkepath,basestr,equil,external.(sname),workdir,opt_gui);
0194         else
0195             s_new = feval(smakecmd,dkepath,basestr,equil,'',workdir,opt_gui);
0196         end
0197     end
0198     %
0199     if ~isempty(s_new),
0200         %
0201         disp(['-----> The structure ''',sname,''' has been created']);
0202         %
0203         if opt_multi == 0,
0204             %
0205             s = s_new;
0206             %
0207         else
0208             %
0209             s = [s,{s_new}];
0210             %
0211         end
0212         %
0213         newstruct = 1;
0214         m_opt = 1i;
0215         %
0216     end
0217     %
0218 end
0219 %
0220 if real(m_opt) == 0,
0221     %
0222     if opt_multi == 0,
0223         %
0224         [s,mod] = imod_struct_jd(s,sname,d_opt,opt_gui);
0225         %
0226         if mod == 1,
0227             %
0228             if ~isfield(s,'id'),
0229        = '';
0230             end
0231             %
0232    = input_dke_yp(['Please provide a new id for the ''',sname,''' structure'],;
0233             newstruct = 1;
0234             %
0235         end
0236         %
0237         if e_opt && isfield(equil,'id'),
0238             id_s = [,'_',];
0239         else
0240             id_s =;
0241         end
0242         %
0243         [path_new,file_new] = isave_struct_jd(s,sname,sbase,id_s,workdir,opt_gui);
0244         %
0245         istr = strfind(file_new,sbase_eq);
0246         %
0247         if ~isempty(istr),
0248             spath = path_new;
0249             sfileid = file_new(length(sbase_eq)+istr+1:end-4);
0250         else% no file id specified because the format is not compatible with rundke
0251             spath = '';
0252             sfileid = '';
0253         end
0254         %
0255     else
0256         %
0257         if imag(m_opt) == 0,
0258             is = input_dke_yp(['Provide the number of the structure ''',sname,''' to be seen/modified/saved '],1,[1;ns]);            
0259         else
0260             is = ns + 1;
0261         end
0262         %
0263         [s{is},mod] = imod_struct_jd(s{is},sname,d_opt,opt_gui);
0264         %
0265         if mod == 1,
0266             %
0267             s{is}.id = input_dke_yp(['Please provide a new id for the ''',sname,''' structure'],s{is}.id);
0268             newstruct = 1;
0269             %
0270         end
0271         %
0272         if e_opt && isfield(equil,'id'),
0273             if isfield(s{is},'id')
0274                 id_s = [,'_',s{is}.id];
0275             else
0276                 id_s =;
0277             end
0278         else
0279             id_s =;
0280         end
0281         %
0282         [path_new,file_new] = isave_struct_jd(s{is},sname,sbase,id_s,workdir,opt_gui);
0283         %
0284         istr = strfind(file_new,sbase_eq);
0285         %
0286         if ~isempty(istr),
0287             spath{is} = path_new;
0288             sfileid{is} = file_new(length(sbase_eq)+istr+1:end-4);
0289         else% no file id specified because the format is not compatible with rundke
0290             spath{is} = '';
0291             sfileid{is} = '';
0292         end
0293         %
0294     end
0295     %
0296 end
0297 %

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