


function launch = imake_launch_EAST_jd(external,opt_gui,style)


 This function creates a launch structure based on the launched angles and
 posision in TCV.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function launch = imake_launch_EAST_jd(external,opt_gui,style)
0002 %
0003 % This function creates a launch structure based on the launched angles and
0004 % posision in TCV.
0005 %
0006 launch = struct;
0007 %
0008 launch.type = 'EC';
0009 %
0010 if ~isempty(external),
0011     %
0012 =;
0013     %
0014     launch.omega_rf = 2*pi*1e9*external.frequency.fec;
0015     launch.yP_L = 1e6*external.total_launched_power.power;
0016     %
0017     launch.yZ_L = external.position.Z;  
0018     launch.yR_L = external.position.R;  
0019     launch.yphi_L = pi/180*external.position.phi;  
0020     %
0021     launch.yalpha_L = pi/180*external.position.alpha;
0022     launch.ybeta_L = pi/180*external.position.beta;
0023     %
0024     launch.w0 = external.position.beam_width; 
0025     launch.z0 = external.position.length_focus; 
0026     %
0027     launch.dNpar0 = NaN;%Calculated from waist and focal point
0028     %
0029     if strcmp(external.position.polarization,'X'),
0030         launch.mmode = 1;% Polarization : (1) m (-1) p, (O/X mode: -1/+1),
0031     else
0032         launch.mmode = -1;
0033     end
0034     %
0035     launch.external = external;
0036     %
0037 else
0038     %
0039     l_opt = iselect_jd({'140 GHz','170 GHz'},'Specify launcher',opt_gui,style,1);
0040     %
0041     if l_opt == 1,% 140 GHz
0042         %
0043 = 'mirror_140GHz';
0044         %
0045         launch.omega_rf = 2*pi*1e9*(140);
0046         %
0047         launch.yP_L = 1e6*(1);
0048         %
0049         launch.yZ_L = 0.3;  
0050         launch.yR_L = 3;  
0051         launch.yphi_L = pi/180*(0);  
0052         %
0053         launch.yalpha_L = pi/180*(-160);  
0054         launch.ybeta_L = pi/180*(110);
0055         %
0056         launch.w0 = 0.0136; 
0057         launch.z0 = 0.0940; 
0058         %
0059     else
0060         %
0061 = 'mirror_170GHz';
0062         %
0063         launch.omega_rf = 2*pi*1e9*(170);
0064         %
0065         launch.yP_L = 1e6*(1);
0066         %
0067         launch.yZ_L = 0.3;  
0068         launch.yR_L = 3;  
0069         launch.yphi_L = pi/180*(0);  
0070         %
0071         launch.yalpha_L = pi/180*(-160);  
0072         launch.ybeta_L = pi/180*(110);
0073         %
0074         launch.w0 = 0.0136; 
0075         launch.z0 = 0.0940; 
0076         %
0077     end
0078     %
0079     launch.dNpar0 = NaN;%Calculated from waist and focal point
0080     %
0081 end
0082 %

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