


function angles = imake_angles_TCV_jd(data,shotnum,l_opt,force_mode,angles,opt_gui,style)


 This function takes the data from TCV data file or user input
 and creates the angles structure


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function angles = imake_angles_TCV_jd(data,shotnum,l_opt,force_mode,angles,opt_gui,style)
0002 %
0003 % This function takes the data from TCV data file or user input
0004 % and creates the angles structure
0005 %
0006 if nargin < 5,
0007     angles = '';
0008 end
0009 if nargin < 4,
0010     force_mode = 0;
0011 end
0012 if nargin < 3,
0013     l_opt = NaN;
0014 end
0015 if nargin < 2,
0016     shotnum = '';
0017 end
0018 if nargin < 1,
0019     data = '';
0020 end
0021 %
0022 l_data = '';
0023 %
0024 if ~isempty(data),
0025     %
0026     if isfield(data,'shot'),
0027         ishot = find(data.shot == str2num(shotnum));
0028         %
0029         if isempty(ishot),
0030             disp(['-----> launching data not found for shot :',shotnum]);
0031             return
0032         end
0033         %
0034         if length(ishot) > 1,
0035             disp(['-----> WARNING : Several entries are found for shot :',shotnum,', first entry selected']);
0036             ishot = ishot(1);
0037         end
0038     end
0039     %
0040     if isnan(l_opt),
0041         %
0042         titletext = 'Select EC launcher :';   
0043         nlaun = length(data.laun);
0044         s = {};
0045         launch_list = [];
0046         for ilaun = 1:nlaun,
0047             laun = data.laun(ilaun);
0048             P0 = data.(['angles_',num2str(laun)]).P0;
0049             if ~isnan(P0)
0050                 launch_list(end+1) = laun;
0051                 s{end+1} = ['Launcher # ',num2str(laun),' ; P =  ',num2str(P0/1e3),' kW'];
0052             end
0053         end
0054         if isempty(launch_list),
0055             disp('-----> No valid launcher');
0056             return
0057         end
0058         %
0059         l_opt = launch_list(iselect_jd(s,titletext,opt_gui,style,1));
0060         %
0061     end
0062     %
0063     if isfield(data,'angles'),%case of structure array
0064         %
0065         angles = data.angles(l_opt == data.laun);
0066         %
0067     else% case of multiple fields
0068         %
0069         eval(['angles = data.angles_',num2str(l_opt),'(ishot);'])
0070         %
0071         if ~strcmp(shotnum,,
0072             disp('-----> Shot number mismatch. Verify data file');
0073             return
0074         end
0075         %
0076     end
0077     %
0078     angles_mod = struct;
0079     angles_mod.freq = angles.freq/1e9;
0080     angles_mod.P0 = angles.P0/1e3;
0081     if force_mode == 0,
0082         angles_mod = imod_struct_jd(angles_mod,'angles',1,opt_gui,struct,style);
0083     end
0084     %
0085     freq_new = angles_mod.freq*1e9;
0086     P0_new = angles_mod.P0*1e3;
0087     %
0088     if freq_new ~= angles.freq,
0089         disp(['-----> WARNING: frequency has been changed from ',num2str(angles.freq/1e9),' GHZ to ',num2str(freq_new/1e9),' GHZ']);
0090         angles.freq = freq_new;
0091     end
0092     %
0093     if P0_new ~= angles.P0 && (~isnan(P0_new) || ~isnan(angles.P0)),
0094         disp(['-----> WARNING: injected power has been changed from ',num2str(angles.P0/1e3),' kW to ',num2str(P0_new/1e3),' kW']);
0095         angles.P0 = P0_new;
0096     end
0097     %
0098 else
0099     %
0100     if isnan(l_opt),
0101         l_opt = iselect_jd({'L1','L2','L3','L4','L5','L6'},'Specify launcher',opt_gui,style,1,'popupmenu');
0102     end
0103     %
0104     if isempty(l_opt) || ~isnumeric(l_opt) || ~any(l_opt == 1:6),
0105         disp('-----> Invalid launcher selection.');
0106         return
0107     end
0108     %
0109     % TCV launchers data
0110     %
0111     if any(l_opt == [1,4]),
0112         %
0113         P1_R = 1.30723;
0114         P1_Z = -0.05865;
0115         P1_theta = 52.013*pi/180; % = 0.9078
0116         P2_R = 1.19056;
0117         P2_Z = 0.0645;
0118         P2_d = 0.01; %mirror thickness
0119         P3_Z = -0.0025;
0120         %
0121     elseif any(l_opt == [2,3,5,6]),
0122         %
0123         P1_R = 1.30723;
0124         P1_Z = 0.39885;
0125         P1_theta = 52.013*pi/180; % = 0.9078
0126         P2_R = 1.1906;
0127         P2_Z = 0.5220;
0128         P2_d = 0.01; %mirror thickness
0129         P3_Z = 0.4550;
0130         %
0131     end
0132     %
0133     if force_mode == 0,
0134         l_data = input([ 'Please confirm/specify the launcher characteristics ',...
0135                         '\n (press ''enter'' if OK of specify data vector)',... 
0136                         '\n[P1_R,P1_Z,P1_theta,P2_R,P2_Z,P2_d,P3_Z] = [',...
0137                         num2str(P1_R),',',num2str(P1_Z),',',num2str(P1_theta),',',...
0138                         num2str(P2_R),',',num2str(P2_Z),',',num2str(P2_d),',',num2str(P3_Z),'] : ']);
0139     end
0140     %
0141     if ~isempty(l_data),
0142         if ~isnumeric(l_data) || length(l_data) ~= 7,
0143             disp('-----> Invalid launcher data.');
0144             return
0145         end
0146         %
0147         P1_R = l_data(1);
0148         P1_Z = l_data(2);
0149         P1_theta = l_data(3);
0150         P2_R = l_data(4);
0151         P2_Z = l_data(5);
0152         P2_d = l_data(6);
0153         P3_Z = l_data(7);
0154         %
0155     end
0156     %
0157     if isempty(angles),
0158         %
0159         theta = input('Specify mirror angle theta (degrees)? [0]: ')*pi/180;
0160         if isempty(theta) 
0161             theta = 0;
0162         end
0163         if ~isnumeric(theta),
0164             disp('-----> Invalid angle specification.');
0165             return
0166         end
0167         %
0168         phi = input('Specify llauncher angle phi (degrees)? [0]: ')*pi/180;
0169         if isempty(phi) 
0170             phi = 0;
0171         end
0172         if ~isnumeric(phi),
0173             disp('-----> Invalid angle specification.');
0174             return
0175         end
0176         %
0177         freq = input('Specify wave frequency (GHz)? [82.7]: ')*1e9;
0178         if isempty(freq) 
0179             freq = 82.7e9;
0180         end
0181         if ~isnumeric(freq),
0182             disp('-----> Invalid frequency specification.');
0183             return
0184         end
0185         %
0186         P0 = input('Specify wave power (kW)? [500]: ')*1e3;
0187         if isempty(P0) 
0188             P0 = 500e3;
0189         end
0190         if ~isnumeric(P0),
0191             disp('-----> Invalid power specification.');
0192             return
0193         end
0194         %
0195         angles.freq = freq;
0196         angles.P0 = P0;
0197         %
0198         angles.theta = theta;%(end) temporary, wait for bug to be fixed
0199         angles.phi = phi;%(end) temporary, wait for bug to be fixed
0200         %
0201     elseif isnan(angles), %default value for perpendicular midplane launching
0202         %
0203         angles = struct;
0204         angles.theta = 0;
0205         angles.phi = 0;
0206         angles.freq = 82.7e9;
0207         angles.P0 = 500e3;
0208         %
0209     end
0210     %
0211     angles.P1_R = P1_R;
0212     angles.P1_theta = P1_theta;
0213     angles.P2_R = P2_R;
0214     angles.P2_d = P2_d;
0215     angles.P1_Z = P1_Z;
0216     angles.P2_Z = P2_Z;
0217     angles.P3_Z = P3_Z;
0218     %
0219 end
0220 %
0221 angles.w0 = 0.0188; %half width of the waist
0222 angles.z_L = 0.2756; %distance from last mirror to waist
0223 %
0224 id = ['L',num2str(l_opt)];
0225 %
0226 = id;
0227 %

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