


function [s,sobj,cleartags] = iluke_status(s,status,sobj,mode,curtime,cleartags)


 mode = 0 : input structures
 mode = 1 : output structures
 mode = 2 : sdiag structures

 clear outdated structures


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [s,sobj,cleartags] = iluke_status(s,status,sobj,mode,curtime,cleartags)
0002 %
0003 % mode = 0 : input structures
0004 % mode = 1 : output structures
0005 % mode = 2 : sdiag structures
0006 %
0007 % clear outdated structures
0008 %
0009 sname = inputname(1);
0010 %
0011 if mode > 1,%sdiag
0012     fnames = fieldnames(sobj);
0013     fnames(strcmp(fnames,'title')) = [];
0014     fnames(strcmp(fnames,'text')) = [];
0015 end    
0016 %
0017 if iscell(s),
0018     mask = status <= 0;
0019     if any(mask),
0020         if iscell(s(mask(1))),
0021             s(mask) = {{}};%waves & wavestructs, sdiag
0022         else
0023             s(mask) = {[]};
0024         end
0025     end
0026     %
0027     % setup string
0028     %
0029     if mode <= 1,
0030         if curtime > 0,
0031             if status(curtime) <= 0,
0032                 sobj.text.string = '< empty >';
0033                 if ~any(strcmp(cleartags{2+curtime},'all')) && ~any(strcmp(cleartags{2+curtime},sname)),
0034                     cleartags{2+curtime} = [cleartags{2+curtime},sname];
0035                 end
0036             elseif ~isfield(s{curtime},'filename') || isempty(s{curtime}.filename), % s is not saved
0037                 sobj.text.string = '< not saved >';
0038             else
0039                 sobj.text.string = s{curtime}.filename;
0040             end            
0041         elseif curtime == 0,
0042             ns = sum(status > 0);
0043             if ns == 0,
0044                 sobj.text.string = '< empty >';
0045             else
0046                 sobj.text.string = [num2str(ns),' structures'];
0047             end
0048         else
0049             sobj.text.string = '< empty >';
0050         end
0051     end
0052     %
0053 elseif status <= 0,
0054     s = [];
0055     if mode <= 1,
0056         sobj.text.string = '< empty >';
0057     end
0058 elseif mode <= 1 && ~isfield(s,'filename') || isempty(s.filename), % s is not saved
0059     sobj.text.string = '< not saved >';
0060 elseif mode <= 1
0061     sobj.text.string = s.filename;
0062 end
0063 %
0064 % setup action state
0065 %
0066 if isempty(status),
0067     status = -1;% s cannot exist
0068 elseif curtime > 0,
0069     status = status(curtime);% status for a given time
0070 else
0071     status = max(status);% status for multiple times
0072 end
0073 %
0074 if status < 0,% s cannot exist except for mode == -1 (new equil)
0075     if mode == -1,% equil can always be built
0076         sobj.make.state = 'on';
0077         sobj.load.state = 'on';
0078     elseif mode == 0,
0079         sobj.make.state = 'off';
0080         sobj.load.state = 'off';
0081     elseif mode == 1,
0082 = 'off';
0083     else
0084         for ifield = 1:length(fnames),
0085             sobj.(fnames{ifield}).state = 'off';
0086         end
0087     end
0088 else% s can be built
0089     if mode <= 0,
0090         sobj.make.state = 'on';
0091         sobj.load.state = 'on';
0092     elseif mode == 1,
0093 = 'on';
0094     else
0095         for ifield = 1:length(fnames),
0096             sobj.(fnames{ifield}).state = 'on';
0097         end
0098     end
0099 end
0100 %
0101 if mode <= 1,
0102     if status <= 0,% s does not exist
0103         if mode <= 0,
0104    = 'off';
0105         end
0106         sobj.clear.state = 'off';
0107         sobj.disp.state = 'off';
0108         sobj.export.state = 'off';
0109     else% s exists
0110         if mode <= 0,
0111    = 'on';
0112         end
0113         sobj.clear.state = 'on';
0114         sobj.disp.state = 'on'; 
0115         if curtime > 0,
0116             sobj.export.state = 'on';
0117         else
0118             sobj.export.state = 'off';
0119         end
0120     end
0121     %
0122     if status == 0,% s does not exist
0123         if mode <= 0,
0124             sobj.make.highlight = true;
0125         else
0126    = true;
0127         end
0128     else
0129         if mode <= 0,
0130             sobj.make.highlight = false;
0131         else
0132    = false;
0133         end
0134     end  
0135 else
0136     for ifield = 1:length(fnames),
0137         if status == 0,% s does not exist
0138             sobj.(fnames{ifield}).highlight = true;
0139         else
0140             sobj.(fnames{ifield}).highlight = false;
0141         end      
0142     end
0143 end
0144 %

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