


function graph = AddGraph_jd(hObject, eventdata, handles);


 This function adds a graph on axes upon user call, and returns the graph 
 as an output for saving.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function graph = AddGraph_jd(hObject, eventdata, handles);
0002 %
0003 % This function adds a graph on axes upon user call, and returns the graph
0004 % as an output for saving.
0005 %
0006 graph = [];
0007 %
0008 % Select a scenario
0009 %
0010 NumberOfScenarios = length(handles.scenarios);
0011 %
0012 if NumberOfScenarios == 0
0013     h = warndlg('There are no scenario in memory. Go to File -> Load to add a scenario','No scenario');
0014     return
0015 elseif NumberOfScenarios > 1
0016     %
0017     for iScenario = 1:NumberOfScenarios,
0018         ListOfScenario{iScenario} = handles.scenarios{iScenario}.name;
0019     end
0020     %
0021     iScenario = listdlg('PromptString','Select a scenario',...
0022                         'SelectionMode','single',...
0023                         'ListString',ListOfScenario);
0024     %
0025     if isempty(iScenario)
0026         return
0027     end
0028 else
0029     iScenario = 1;
0030 end
0031 %
0032 scenario = handles.scenarios{iScenario}.name;
0033 %
0034 % Select the graph
0035 %
0036 ListOfGraphTypes = handles.listofgraphtypes;
0037 NumberOfGraphs = length(handles.graphs);
0038 %
0039 iGraphType = listdlg('PromptString','Select a graph',...
0040                      'SelectionMode','single',...
0041                      'ListString',ListOfGraphTypes);
0042 %
0043 type = ListOfGraphTypes{iGraphType};                 
0044 %
0045 for iGraph = 1:NumberOfGraphs,
0046     if isequal(handles.graphs{iGraph}.type,type)...
0047      & isequal(handles.graphs{iGraph}.scenario,scenario)...
0048      & isequal(handles.graphs{iGraph}.axes,hObject),
0049         h = warndlg('The graph you are calling is already displayed in the current axes.','Existing graph');
0050         return
0051     end
0052 end
0053 %
0054 graph.type = type;
0055 graph.scenario = scenario;
0056 graph.axes = hObject;
0057 %
0058 % Get graph data
0059 %
0060 [x,y,z,xlab,ylab,zlab,warnstr] = GetGraphData_jd(handles, graph);
0061 %
0062 if ~isempty(warnstr),
0063     h = warndlg(warnstr,'Operation aborted');
0064     graph = [];
0065     return
0066 end
0067 %
0068 axxlab = get(get(hObject,'xlabel'),'string');
0069 axylab = get(get(hObject,'ylabel'),'string');
0070 axzlab = get(get(hObject,'zlabel'),'string');
0071 %
0072 % Print the graph
0073 %
0074 if isempty(z),% 2D graph
0075     %
0076     if (~isempty(axxlab) & ~isequal(axxlab,xlab)) | ~isempty(axzlab),
0077         h = warndlg('The graph you are calling is not compatible with the current axis.','Incompatible graph');
0078         graph = [];
0079         return
0080     end
0081     %
0082     graph.hgraph = line(x,y,'parent',hObject);
0083     graph.cgraph = NaN;
0084     graph.xlab = xlab;
0085     graph.ylab = ylab;    
0086     %
0087     set(get(hObject,'xlabel'),'string',xlab,'fontsize',get(hObject,'fontsize'));
0088     %
0089 else% 3D graph
0090     %
0091     if (~isempty(axxlab) & ~isequal(axxlab,xlab))...
0092      | (~isempty(axylab) & ~isequal(axylab,ylab)),
0093         h = warndlg('The graph you are calling is not compatible with the current axis.','Incompatible graph');
0094         graph = [];
0095         return
0096     end
0097     %
0098     [graph.cgraph,graph.hgraph] = contour(x,y,z,'parent',hObject);
0099     graph.xlab = xlab;
0100     graph.ylab = ylab;    
0101     graph.zlab = zlab;    
0102     %
0103     set(get(hObject,'xlabel'),'string',xlab,'fontsize',get(hObject,'fontsize'));
0104     set(get(hObject,'ylabel'),'string',ylab,'fontsize',get(hObject,'fontsize'));
0105 end

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