


function [launchs,ids] = get_launchs_TS


 This function contains the characteristics of the LH antennas of the Tore
 Supra tokamak


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [launchs,ids] = get_launchs_TS
0002 %
0003 % This function contains the characteristics of the LH antennas of the Tore
0004 % Supra tokamak
0005 %
0006 freq_GHz = 3.7;
0007 type  = 'LH';
0008 %
0009 % ------- LH antenna #1 (C2) -------
0010 %
0011 launchs{1}.id = 'C2';
0012 launchs{1}.type = type;
0013 %
0014 launchs{1}.omega_rf = freq_GHz*2*pi*1e9;%wave angular frequency (rad/s) [1,1]
0015 launchs{1}.rZ0 = [-0.155,-0.075,0.075,0.155];%vertical launching positions (m) [1,m_pol]
0016 %
0017 launchs{1}.phi0 = 0;%toroidal angle position [1,1]
0018 launchs{1}.LFS = 1;% (-1) high field side launching, (1) low field side launching [1,1]
0019 %
0020 launchs{1}.default.bNpar0 = [2.0,-6.0];% values of N//0 the antenna is optimized for
0021 launchs{1}.default.bdNpar0 = [0.2,0.2];% standard dN//0 values (related to antenna size)
0022 launchs{1}.default.bPlhtot = 3e6*[0.7,0.3];% maximum coupled power and standard directivity
0023 launchs{1}.default.m0 = 0;% default initial poloidal mode number [1,1]
0024 launchs{1}.default.i_ref = -1;% Initial radial position index [1,1]
0025 launchs{1}.default.mmode = -1;% (-1) for slow wave, (1) for fast wave
0026 %
0027 % ------- LH antenna #2 (C3 - FAM) -------
0028 %
0029 launchs{2}.id = 'C3';
0030 launchs{2}.type = type;
0031 %
0032 launchs{2}.omega_rf = freq_GHz*2*pi*1e9;%wave angular frequency (rad/s) [1,1]
0033 launchs{2}.rZ0 = [-0.244,-0.162,-0.080,0.080,0.162,0.244];%vertical launching positions (m) [1,m_pol]
0034 %
0035 launchs{2}.phi0 = 0;%toroidal angle position [1,1]
0036 launchs{2}.LFS = 1;% (-1) high field side launching, (1) low field side launching [1,1]
0037 %
0038 launchs{2}.default.bNpar0 = [2.0,-6.0];% values of N//0 the antenna is optimized for
0039 launchs{2}.default.bdNpar0 = [0.2,0.2];% standard dN//0 values (related to antenna size)
0040 launchs{2}.default.bPlhtot = 3.7e6*[0.7,0.3];% maximum coupled power and standard directivity
0041 launchs{2}.default.m0 = 0;% default initial poloidal mode number [1,1]
0042 launchs{2}.default.i_ref = -1;% Initial radial position index [1,1]
0043 launchs{2}.default.mmode = -1;% (-1) for slow wave, (1) for fast wave
0044 %
0045 % ------- LH antenna #3 (C4 - PAM) -------
0046 %
0047 launchs{3}.id = 'C4';
0048 launchs{3}.type = type;
0049 %
0050 launchs{3}.omega_rf = freq_GHz*2*pi*1e9;%wave angular frequency (rad/s) [1,1]
0051 launchs{3}.rZ0 = [-0.244,-0.162,-0.080,0.080,0.162,0.244];%vertical launching positions (m) [1,m_pol]
0052 %
0053 launchs{3}.phi0 = 0;%toroidal angle position [1,1]
0054 launchs{3}.LFS = 1;% (-1) high field side launching, (1) low field side launching [1,1]
0055 %
0056 launchs{3}.default.bNpar0 = [1.7,-2.9];% values of N//0 the antenna is optimized for
0057 launchs{3}.default.bdNpar0 = [0.2,0.2];% standard dN//0 values (related to antenna size)
0058 launchs{3}.default.bPlhtot = 3.7e6*[0.7,0.3];% maximum coupled power and standard directivity
0059 launchs{3}.default.m0 = 0;% default initial poloidal mode number [1,1]
0060 launchs{3}.default.i_ref = -1;% Initial radial position index [1,1]
0061 launchs{3}.default.mmode = -1;% (-1) for slow wave, (1) for fast wave
0062 %
0063 % ------- ids -------
0064 %
0065 nlaunchs = length(launchs);
0066 ids = cell(1,nlaunchs);
0067 for ilaunch = 1:nlaunchs,
0068     ids{ilaunch} = launchs{ilaunch}.id;
0069 end
0070 %

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