

Create the local file TRANSP_INIT.mat


This is a script file.


 Create the local file TRANSP_INIT.mat
 by J. Decker EPFL-CRPP <> and Y.Peysson CEA-IRFM <>


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %
0002 % Create the local file TRANSP_INIT.mat
0003 %
0004 % by J. Decker EPFL-CRPP <> and Y.Peysson CEA-IRFM <>
0005 %
0006 clear all
0007 %
0008 id_transpfaste = 'INIT';
0009 %
0010 Dr0 = 0;% Core radial diffusion coefficient (m^2/s)
0011 pDr = 0;% Coefficient for the Dr radial profile
0012 Vr0 = 0;% Core radial pinch coefficient (m/s)
0013 pVr = 0;% Coefficient for the Vr radial profile
0014 %
0015 Dr_model = 0;% Radial diffusion type: (0) no vpar dependence, (1) magnetic turbulence model (vpar/vth),
0016 Vr_model = 0;% Radial pinch type: (0) no vpar dependence, (1) magnetic turbulence model (vpar/vth),
0017 vparmin = 3.0;% Lower limit of the parallel velocity dependence of the radial diffusion and pinch (vth_ref or vth)
0018 %
0019 norm_ref = 1;% Normalization procedure for the lower limit of the parallel velocity dependence of the radial diffusion and pinch: (0) from local values Te and ne, (1) from reference values Te_ref and ne_ref
0020 %
0021 %*****************************************************************************************************************
0022 %
0023 = id_transpfaste;
0024 %
0025 transpfaste.Dr0 = Dr0;
0026 transpfaste.pDr = pDr;
0027 transpfaste.Vr0 = Vr0;
0028 transpfaste.pVr = pVr;
0029 %
0030 transpfaste.Dr_model = Dr_model;
0031 transpfaste.Vr_model = Vr_model; 
0032 transpfaste.vparmin = vparmin;%Normalized units
0033 transpfaste.norm_ref = norm_ref;
0034 %
0035 eval(['save TRANSP_',id_transpfaste,'.mat transpfaste']);

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