path definitions for Antoine Merle's desktop at EPFL Input: - luke_ref: for CVS tagged LUKE version [1,m] (default: 'LUKE') Output: - dkepath: path structure Warning: none By Yves Peysson (CEA/DSM/IRFM, and Joan Decker (CEA/DSM/IRFM,
0001 function [crpp_amerle] = path_laptop_JOAN_DECKER(luke_ref) 0002 % 0003 % path definitions for Antoine Merle's desktop at EPFL 0004 % 0005 % Input: 0006 % 0007 % - luke_ref: for CVS tagged LUKE version [1,m] 0008 % (default: 'LUKE') 0009 % 0010 % Output: 0011 % 0012 % - dkepath: path structure 0013 % 0014 % Warning: none 0015 % 0016 % By Yves Peysson (CEA/DSM/IRFM, and Joan Decker (CEA/DSM/IRFM, 0017 % 0018 if nargin == 0, luke_ref = 'LUKE';end 0019 % 0020 [dummy,matlabversion,matlabrelease] = LUKEversion_jd; 0021 % 0022 crpp_amerle.hostname = 'crpppc371-linux';%WARNING: for laptop, may change with connection status. 0023 crpp_amerle.machine = 'crpp_amerle'; 0024 = 'GLNXA64';%machine type and supported OS 0025 % 0026 % Selected user profile (structure hostname.usernames(path_profile).xxx) 0027 % 0028 crpp_amerle.path_profile = 1; 0029 % 0030 %------------------------------------ Profile number 1, Antoine Merle ------------------------------------ 0031 % 0032 crpp_amerle.amerle(1).luke_root = [pwd,'/']; 0033 crpp_amerle.amerle(1).local_root = '/home/amerle/LUKE/'; 0034 crpp_amerle.amerle(1).temppathroot = '/tmp/';%Absolute root directory path adress where temporary matrices are stored (empty: local directory) 0035 % 0036 crpp_amerle.amerle(1).mex800 = [crpp_amerle.amerle(1).luke_root,'Project_DKE/MEX/Bin/crpp_amerle/MATLAB800']; 0037 %crpp_amerle.amerle(1).compiler_opt.helmex = '-lblas -llapack';% Optional argument for helmex compilation 0038 crpp_amerle.amerle(1).compiler_opt.helmex = '-L/home/amerle/libraries/lib -llapack_g95 -lblas_g95';%'';%'-L/home/amerle/libraries/lib -llapack_ifort -lblas_ifort';% Optional argument for helmex compilation 0039 crpp_amerle.amerle(1).compiler_opt.fopts = '-v FC="ifort"';%'-v FC="g95" ';% 0040 crpp_amerle.amerle(1).compiler_opt.copts = ''; 0041 % 0042 %crpp_amerle.amerle(1).MUMPS.mex75 = [crpp_amerle.amerle(1).local_root,'Packages/Bin/MUMPS/MUMPS_4.7.3_S_ifort/MATLAB75'];%Where MUMPS matrix solver is stored (MEX function) 0043 %crpp_amerle.amerle(1).MUMPS.mex77 = [crpp_amerle.amerle(1).local_root,'Packages/Bin/MUMPS/MUMPS_4.7.3_S_ifort/MATLAB77'];%Where MUMPS matrix solver is stored (MEX function) 0044 %