


function [dkepath,SelectedPathFileName] = load_dkepath_yp(display_mode)


    Load LUKE paths & profile of the local machine


       - display_mode: display the main characteristics of the selected path file name (0): no, (1) yes
           (default = 1)


       - dkepath: local path structure
       - SelectedPathFileName: Selected path file name (string)

   Warning: none

 By Yves Peysson (CEA/DSM/IRFM, yves.peysson@cea.fr) and Joan Decker (CEA/DSM/IRFM, joan.decker@cea.fr)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [dkepath,SelectedPathFileName] = load_dkepath_yp(display_mode)
0002 %
0003 %    Load LUKE paths & profile of the local machine
0004 %
0005 %    Output:
0006 %
0007 %       - display_mode: display the main characteristics of the selected path file name (0): no, (1) yes
0008 %           (default = 1)
0009 %
0010 %    Output:
0011 %
0012 %       - dkepath: local path structure
0013 %       - SelectedPathFileName: Selected path file name (string)
0014 %
0015 %LUKE
0016 %   Warning: none
0017 %
0018 % By Yves Peysson (CEA/DSM/IRFM, yves.peysson@cea.fr) and Joan Decker (CEA/DSM/IRFM, joan.decker@cea.fr)
0019 %
0020 if nargin == 0,
0021     display_mode = 1;
0022 end
0023 %
0024 % List all path files from PATH_files directory
0025 %
0026 PathsDir = fileparts(which(mfilename));
0027 %
0028 PathsDirContents = dir([PathsDir,filesep,'path_*m']);
0029 npathfiles = length(PathsDirContents);
0030 PathFileNames = cell(1,npathfiles);
0031 for ifile = 1:npathfiles,
0032     PathFileNames{ifile} = PathsDirContents(ifile).name(1:end-2);
0033 end
0034 %
0035 % Load all path files and select local path profile according to hostname
0036 %
0037 lochostname = hostname_jd;
0038 %
0039 dkepaths = cell(1,npathfiles);
0040 flag = false(1,npathfiles);
0041 %
0042 for ifile = 1:npathfiles,
0043     %
0044     try
0045         dkepaths{ifile} = feval(PathFileNames{ifile});
0046     catch err
0047         dkepaths{ifile} = err.message;
0048         continue
0049     end
0050     %
0051     if ~iscell(dkepaths{ifile}.hostname),% case of single hostname in path profile
0052         hostnames = {dkepaths{ifile}.hostname};
0053     else% multiple profiles on the same filesystem
0054         hostnames = dkepaths{ifile}.hostname;
0055     end
0056     %
0057     for ihost = 1:length(hostnames),
0058         if ~iscell(hostnames{ihost}),% case of single hostname in machine profile
0059             mhostnames = hostnames(ihost);
0060         else% multiple hostnames on the same machine profile
0061             mhostnames = hostnames{ihost};
0062         end
0063         %
0064         for imhost = 1:length(mhostnames)
0065             if any(strfind(lochostname,mhostnames{imhost})),% local cluster,
0066                 %
0067                 %TODO : more strict test in case of very simple mhostnames like for EUROfusion, otherwise the machine identification may fail
0068                 %
0069                 flag(ifile) = true;
0070                 break
0071                 %
0072             end
0073         end
0074     end
0075     %
0076 end
0077 %
0078 if ~any(flag),
0079     %
0080     disp(' ');
0081     disp('Warning : no local path profile found. Here is the list of tested profiles :')
0082     disp(' ');
0083     %
0084     for ifile = 1:npathfiles,
0085         if isstruct(dkepaths{ifile}),
0086             disp(['Profile from ',PathFileNames{ifile},'.m successfully loaded.'])
0087         else
0088             disp(['Error loading profile from ',PathFileNames{ifile},'.m : ',dkepaths{ifile}])
0089         end
0090     end
0091     disp(' ');
0092     disp('Default path profile selected')
0093     %
0094     dkepath = default_path_profile;
0095 else  
0096     %
0097     % select path profile
0098     %
0099     ifiles = find(flag);
0100     %
0101     if sum(flag) > 1,
0102         disp(' ');
0103         iflag = iselect_jd(PathFileNames(flag),'Warning : more than one local path profile found. Please select one of the following profiles :',false);
0104     else
0105         iflag = 1;
0106     end
0107     %
0108     dkepath = dkepaths{ifiles(iflag)};
0109     %
0110     % select user name
0111     %
0112     username = getenv('USER');
0113     %
0114     if ~isfield(dkepath,username),%user not listed in local profile
0115         if isfield(dkepath,'default'),
0116             disp(['Warning : user ',username,' not found in file ',PathFileNames{ifiles(iflag)},'.m; selecting profile from default user ',dkepath.default])
0117             username = dkepath.default;
0118         else
0119             error(['Warning : user ',username,' not found in file ',PathFileNames{ifiles(iflag)},'.m; no default user specified.'])
0120         end
0121     end
0122     %
0123     % select user profile number if applicable
0124     %
0125     nusers = length(dkepath.(username));
0126     if nusers > 1,
0127         disp(' ');
0128         disp(['A total of ',num2str(nusers),' profiles are defined for user ',username,' in file ',PathFileNames{ifiles(iflag)},'.m']);
0129         disp(' ');
0130         isel = input_dke_yp(['Please check the file ',PathFileNames{ifiles(iflag)},'.m and select one of the profiles (1 => ',num2str(nusers),') '],1,1:nusers);
0131     else
0132         isel = 1;
0133     end
0134     %
0135     dkepath.(username) = dkepath.(username)(isel);
0136     %
0137     dkepath = conc_struct_jd(selectfields_jd(dkepath,{'hostname','machine','computer'}),dkepath.(username));
0138     %
0139     if iscell(dkepath.machine),%case of multiple machine profiles on the same filesystem
0140         nhost = length(dkepath.machine);
0141         flag = false(1,nhost);
0142         for ihost = 1:nhost,
0143             if isfield(dkepath,dkepath.machine{ihost}),% meaning the machine 'dkepath.machine{ihost}' is referenced for user 'username'
0144                 flag(ihost) = true;
0145             end
0146         end
0147         %
0148         dkepath.hostname = dkepath.hostname(flag);
0149         dkepath.machine = dkepath.machine(flag);
0150         %
0151     end
0152     %
0153     % if no remote profile
0154     %
0155     if ~isfield(dkepath,'remote'),
0156         dkepath.remote = [];
0157     end
0158     %
0159     if iscell(dkepath.machine),
0160         machinestr = dkepath.machine{1};
0161         for ihost = 2:length(dkepath.machine),
0162             machinestr = [machinestr,', ',dkepath.machine{ihost}];
0163         end
0164     else
0165         machinestr = dkepath.machine;
0166     end
0167     %
0168     SelectedPathFileName = PathFileNames{ifiles(iflag)};
0169     %
0170     if display_mode,
0171         disp(' ');
0172         disp(['PATH Profile #',num2str(isel),' for user ',username,' from file ',SelectedPathFileName,'.m selected for machine(s) : ',machinestr]);
0173     end
0174     %
0175 end

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