


function fproc_runaway(RR,mksa,Ec,f,tn,tRR,tnorm,fgrid,tacc,pmhucrit,ZXXS,alpha,betath2,wpr,Zi,opt,grid,id_equil,rho_S,graph,p_opt,id_simul)



This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function fproc_runaway(RR,mksa,Ec,f,tn,tRR,tnorm,fgrid,tacc,pmhucrit,ZXXS,alpha,betath2,wpr,Zi,opt,grid,id_equil,rho_S,graph,p_opt,id_simul)
0002 %
0003 epsi_kulsrud = [0.04;0.06;0.08;0.10];
0004 Zi_kulsrud =[1,2,3,10];
0005 RR_kulsrud = 1e-4*[ 0.01914,NaN   ,NaN  ,NaN   ;...%Kulsrud (PRL, 31,11, (1972) 690)
0006                     0.5411 ,0.2611,NaN  ,NaN   ;...  
0007                     3.177  ,1.735 ,1.047,0.09  ;...
0008                     10.04  ,5.839 ,3.757,0.449];
0009 %
0010 iepsi = find(abs((alpha*betath2 - epsi_kulsrud)./epsi_kulsrud) < 10*eps);
0011 %
0012 if opt.coll_mode == 0 && opt.bounce_mode == 0 && abs((betath2 - 1e-6)/1e-6) < 10*eps && ~isempty(iepsi) && any(Zi == Zi_kulsrud),
0013     RR_k = RR_kulsrud(iepsi,Zi == Zi_kulsrud);
0014 else
0015     RR_k = '';
0016 end
0017 %
0018 % additional info
0019 %
0020 % Dreicer field ED = Ec/betath2
0021 % Critical momentum at mhu=1 :
0022 % - NR limit     : pc = 1/sqrt(betath2*alpha)
0023 % - Relativistic : pc = 1/sqrt(betath2*alpha - betath2))
0024 %
0025 %************************************************************************************************************************************
0026 %
0027 if grid.np_tail == 0,
0028     pnmax_S = grid.pnmax_S;
0029 elseif imag(grid.pnmax_S_tail) == 0,
0030     pnmax_S = grid.pnmax_S_tail;
0031 else
0032     pnmax_S = grid.pnmax_S*imag(grid.pnmax_S_tail);
0033 end
0034 %
0035 format
0036 %
0037 if p_opt > 0,
0038     filename = ['res_',id_simul,'.log'];
0039     %
0040     if exist(filename,'file')
0041         delete(filename);
0042     end
0043     %
0044     diary(filename);
0045 end
0046 %
0047 nr = length(RR);
0048 np = length(Ec);
0049 %
0050 disp('Simulation parameters : ')
0051 disp(['coll_mode = ',num2str(opt.coll_mode),' ; bounce_mode = ',num2str(opt.bounce_mode),' ; equil = ',id_equil])
0052 disp(['Te/mc2 = ',num2str(betath2),' ; E/Ec = ',num2str(alpha),' ; E/ED = ',num2str(alpha*betath2),' ; Zi = ',num2str(Zi)])
0053 if opt.synchro_mode == 0,
0054     disp(['No synchrotron force'])
0055 elseif imag(wpr) == 0,
0056     disp(['Synchrotron force on : wc2/wp2 = ',num2str(wpr)]);
0057 elseif imag(wpr) > 0,
0058     disp(['Synchrotron force on : Bhat = ',num2str(imag(wpr))]);
0059 else
0060     disp(['Synchrotron force on : 1/taur = ',num2str(-imag(wpr))]);
0061 end    
0062 disp(['NR limit : pc/pT = ',num2str(1/sqrt(alpha*betath2)),' ; pmax/pc = ',num2str(pnmax_S*sqrt(alpha*betath2))])%NR
0063 disp(['Relativ. : pc/pT = ',num2str(1/sqrt((alpha - 1)*betath2)),' ; pmax/pc = ',num2str(pnmax_S*sqrt((alpha - 1)*betath2))])%rel
0064 disp(' ')
0065 if nr == 1,
0066     disp(['--> r/a = ',num2str(rho_S)])
0067     disp(['--> LUKE RR from bound calc. (normalized to ne and tauc) : ',num2str(RR)])
0068     disp(['--> LUKE RR from exact calc. (normalized to ne and tauc) : ',num2str(tRR.re(end) + tRR.ri(end))])
0069     disp(['--> LUKE ext. RE fraction : ',num2str(tnorm.re(end))])
0070     disp(['--> LUKE int. RE fraction : ',num2str(tnorm.ri(end))])
0071     disp(['--> LUKE tot. RE fraction : ',num2str(tnorm.re(end) + tnorm.ri(end))])
0072     %
0073     if opt.synchro_mode,
0074         fpar = f{end}(:,end).';
0075         ipparnan = find(fpar < 0,1);
0076         if ~isempty(ipparnan),
0077             fpar(ipparnan:end) = NaN;
0078         end
0079         ipparmin = find(diff(fpar) > 0,1);
0080         if ~isempty(ipparmin),
0081             disp(['--> minimum found in f(xi=1) : p/pT = ',num2str(fgrid.pn(ipparmin)),' ; Ec = ',num2str(Ec(ipparmin)),' MeV']);
0082             %
0083             ipparmax = find(diff(fpar) < 0 & 1:np-1 > ipparmin,1);
0084             %
0085             if ~isempty(ipparmax),
0086                 disp(['--> maximum found in f(xi=1) : p/pT = ',num2str(fgrid.pn(ipparmax)),' ; Ec = ',num2str(Ec(ipparmax)),' MeV']);
0087             end
0088         end
0089     end
0090 else
0091     rho = (rho_S(1:end-1) + rho_S(2:end))/2;%%%%% not exact, extract from equilDKE
0092     disp('--> r/a | bound. RR | exact RR')
0093     disp(num2str([rho.',RR.',tRR.re(:,end) + tRR.ri(:,end)]))
0094 end
0095 if ~isempty(RR_k),
0096     disp(['--> Kulsrud RR : ',num2str(RR_k)])
0097 end
0098 disp('----------------------')
0099 %
0100 if p_opt > 0,
0101     diary off
0102 end
0103 %
0104 if opt.timevol == 0,% steady-state solution
0105     %
0106     figure(1),clf
0107     %
0108     fM = f{1}(:,end);
0109     f = f{2}(:,end);
0110     %
0111     xlab = 'E_c (MeV)';
0112     ylab = 'f(E_c,\xi = 1)';
0113     xlim = [0,max(Ec)];
0114     if isfield(graph,'ylim_f'),
0115         ylim = graph.ylim_f;
0116     else
0117         ylim = [eps,max(fM)];
0118         graph.ytick_f = 10.^(-18:2:2);
0119     end    
0120     tit = '';
0121     siz = 20+14i;
0122     %
0123     leg = {'f_M','f'};
0124     graph1D_jd(Ec,fM,0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'-','none','b',0.5,siz);
0125     graph1D_jd(Ec,f,0,1,xlab,ylab,tit,leg,xlim,ylim,'-','none','r',2,siz,gca,0.9,0.7,0.7);
0126     %
0127     if isfield(graph,'ytick_f'),
0128         set(gca,'ytick',graph.ytick_f)
0129     end
0130     set(gca,'YMinorGrid','off')
0131     set(gca,'YMinorTick','on')
0132     %
0133     print_jd(p_opt,['fig_',id_simul,'_f1'],'./figures',1)
0134     %
0135 else% time dependent solution
0136     %
0137     ntn = length(tn);
0138     %
0139     if isfield(graph,'tnc') && graph.tnc, 
0140         tn = tn*betath2^(3/2);
0141         RRfac = betath2^(-3/2);
0142     else
0143         RRfac = 1;
0144     end
0145     %
0146     if opt.tnmin == 0,
0147         xlim = [0,tn(end)]; 
0148         xtick = NaN;
0149         mask = 1:ntn;
0150     else
0151         xlim = [tn(2),tn(end)];
0152         xtick = 10.^(floor(log10(tn(2))):2:ceil(log10(tn(end))));
0153         mask = 2:ntn;
0154     end
0155     %
0156     siz = 20+14i;
0157     tit = '';
0158     if ~isfield(opt,'color') || opt.color,
0159         colors = {'b','r',[0,0.75,0],[0.75,0,0.75],[0,0.75,0.75],[0.75,0.75,0],'k'};
0160         %colors = {'k','b','r','g','m','c','y'};
0161         styles = {'-','-','-','-','--','-','-'};
0162         sizes = [2,0.5,0.5,0.5,2];%,0.5
0163         colstr = '_col';
0164     else
0165         colors = {'k','k','k','k','k','k','k','k','k'};
0166         styles = {'-','--','-.','-','--','-.'};
0167         colstr = '';
0168         sizes = [2,0.5,0.5,0.5,2];%,0.5
0169     end
0170     %
0171     figure(1),clf
0172     %
0173     xlab = 't/\tau_c';
0174     ylab = 'n/n_e';
0175     if isfield(graph,'ylim_norm'),
0176         ylim = graph.ylim_norm;
0177     else
0178         ylim = 10.^[-9,1];
0179         graph.ytick_norm = 10.^(-8:2:0);
0180     end
0181     %
0182     leg = {'ext. RE','int. RE','bulk','total'};
0183     %
0184     graph1D_jd(tn(mask),tnorm.re(1,mask),opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,styles{3},'none',colors{3},sizes(3),siz,gca);
0185     graph1D_jd(tn(mask),tnorm.ri(1,mask),opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,styles{2},'none',colors{2},sizes(2),siz,gca);
0186 %    graph1D_jd(tn(mask),tnorm.b(1,mask),opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'-','none',[0,0.5,0],2,siz,gca);
0187     graph1D_jd(tn(mask),tnorm.b(1,mask),opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,styles{4},'none',colors{4},sizes(4),siz,gca);
0188     graph1D_jd(tn(mask),tnorm.tot(1,mask),opt.tnmin > 0,1,xlab,ylab,tit,leg,xlim,ylim,styles{5},'none',colors{1},sizes(1),siz,gca,0.9,0.7,0.7);
0189     %
0190     if nr > 1,
0191         graph1D_jd(tn(mask),tnorm.re(end,mask),opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'--','none','r',0.5,siz,gca);
0192         graph1D_jd(tn(mask),tnorm.ri(end,mask),opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'--','none','b',0.5,siz,gca);
0193 %        graph1D_jd(tn(mask),tnorm.b(end,mask),opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'--','none',[0,0.5,0],0.5,siz,gca);
0194         graph1D_jd(tn(mask),tnorm.b(end,mask),opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'--','none','g',0.5,siz,gca);
0195         graph1D_jd(tn(mask),tnorm.tot(end,mask),opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'--','none','k',0.5,siz,gca);
0196     end
0197     %
0198     if ~isnan(xtick),
0199         set(gca,'xtick',xtick)
0200     end
0201     %
0202     if isfield(graph,'ytick_norm'),
0203         set(gca,'ytick',graph.ytick_norm)
0204     end
0205     set(gca,'YMinorGrid','off')
0206     set(gca,'YMinorTick','on')
0207     set(gca,'XMinorGrid','off')
0208     set(gca,'XMinorTick','on')
0209     %
0210     figure(2),clf
0211     %
0212     xlab = 't/\tau_c';
0213     ylab = '\Gamma_R\tau_c';
0214     if isfield(graph,'ylim_gamma'),
0215         ylim = graph.ylim_gamma;
0216     else
0217         ylim = 10.^[-12,-2];
0218         graph.ytick_gamma = 10.^(-12:2:-2);
0219     end    
0220     %
0221     leg = {'ext. RR','int. RR','total RR'};
0222     if ~isnan(RR_k),
0223         leg = ['Kulsrud',leg];
0224     end
0225     %
0226     if ~isempty(RR_k),
0227 %         graph1D_jd(xlim,[RR_k,RR_k],opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'-','none',[0,0.5,0],2,siz,gca);
0228         graph1D_jd(xlim,[RR_k,RR_k]*RRfac,opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'-','none','g',2,siz,gca);
0229     end
0230     graph1D_jd(tn(2:ntn),tRR.re(1,:)*RRfac,opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,styles{3},'none',colors{3},sizes(3),siz,gca);
0231     graph1D_jd(tn(2:ntn),tRR.ri(1,:)*RRfac,opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,styles{4},'none',colors{4},sizes(4),siz,gca);
0232     graph1D_jd(tn(2:ntn),tRR.re(1,:)*RRfac + tRR.ri(1,:)*RRfac,opt.tnmin > 0,1,xlab,ylab,tit,leg,xlim,ylim,styles{5},'none',colors{1},sizes(1),siz,gca,0.9,0.7,0.7);
0233     %
0234     if nr > 1,
0235         graph1D_jd(tn(2:ntn),tRR.re(end,:)*RRfac,opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'--','none','r',0.5,siz,gca);
0236         graph1D_jd(tn(2:ntn),tRR.ri(end,:)*RRfac,opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'--','none','b',0.5,siz,gca);
0237         graph1D_jd(tn(2:ntn),tRR.re(end,:)*RRfac + tRR.ri(end,:)*RRfac,opt.tnmin > 0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'--','none','k',0.5,siz,gca);
0238     end
0239     %
0240     if ~isnan(xtick),
0241         set(gca,'xtick',xtick)
0242     end
0243     %
0244     if isfield(graph,'ytick_gamma'),
0245         set(gca,'ytick',graph.ytick_gamma)
0246     end
0247     set(gca,'YMinorGrid','off')
0248     set(gca,'YMinorTick','on')
0249     set(gca,'XMinorGrid','off')
0250     set(gca,'XMinorTick','on')
0251     %
0252     figure(3),clf
0253     %
0254     if ~isfield(graph,'xlog'),
0255         graph.xlog = 0;
0256     end
0257     %
0258     fM = reshape(f{1}(:,end,:),[np,nr]);
0259     %
0260     if ~isfield(graph,'xec') || graph.xec,
0261         xlab = '$\mathcal{E}_k$ (MeV)';
0262         ylab = '$f(\mathcal{E}_k,\xi = 1)$';
0263         %
0264         x = Ec;
0265     else
0266         xlab = '$p/(mc)$';
0267         ylab = '$f(p,\xi = 1)$';
0268         %
0269         x = fgrid.pn*sqrt(betath2);
0270     end
0271     %
0272     if ~isfield(graph,'xlim'),
0273         if graph.xlog,
0274             graph.xlim = [min(x),max(x)];                
0275         else
0276             graph.xlim = [0,max(x)];                
0277         end
0278     end
0279     %
0280     if isfield(graph,'ylim_f'),
0281         ylim = graph.ylim_f;
0282     else
0283         ylim = [eps,max(fM(:))];
0284         graph.ytick_f = 10.^(-18:2:2);
0285     end    
0286     %
0287     ntdisp = length(graph.itdisp);
0288     leg = cell(1,ntdisp+1);
0289     leg{1} = ['t/\tau_c = 0'];
0290     graph1D_jd(x,fM(:,1),graph.xlog,1,'','','',NaN,graph.xlim,ylim,styles{1},'none',colors{1},sizes(1),siz,gca);
0291     for iit = 1:ntdisp-1,
0292         leg{1+iit} = ['t/\tau_c = ',num2str(tn(1+graph.itdisp(iit)))];
0293         graph1D_jd(x,f{1+graph.itdisp(iit)}(:,end,1),graph.xlog,1,'','','',NaN,graph.xlim,ylim,styles{1+iit},'none',colors{1+iit},sizes(1+iit),siz);
0294     end
0295     leg{1+ntdisp} = ['t/\tau_c = ',num2str(tn(1+graph.itdisp(ntdisp)))];
0296     graph1D_jd(x,f{1+graph.itdisp(ntdisp)}(:,end,1),graph.xlog,1,xlab,ylab,tit,leg,graph.xlim,ylim,styles{1+ntdisp},'none',colors{1+ntdisp},sizes(1+ntdisp),siz,gca,0.9,0.7,0.7);
0297     %
0298     if nr > 1,
0299         graph1D_jd(x,fM(:,end),graph.xlog,1,'','','',NaN,graph.xlim,ylim,'--','none',colors{1},0.5,siz,gca);
0300         for iit = 1:ntdisp,
0301             graph1D_jd(x,f{1+graph.itdisp(iit)}(:,end,end),graph.xlog,1,'','','',NaN,graph.xlim,ylim,'--','none',colors{1+iit},0.5,siz);
0302         end
0303     end
0304     %
0305     if isfield(graph,'xtick'),
0306         set(gca,'xtick',graph.xtick)
0307     end
0308     if isfield(graph,'ytick_f'),
0309         set(gca,'ytick',graph.ytick_f)
0310     end
0311     set(gca,'XMinorGrid','off')
0312     set(gca,'XMinorTick','on')
0313     set(gca,'YMinorGrid','off')
0314     set(gca,'YMinorTick','on')
0315     set(get(gca,'xlabel'),'interpreter','latex')
0316     set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'interpreter','latex')
0317     %
0318     print_jd(p_opt,['fig_',id_simul,'_nr',colstr],'./figures',1)
0319     print_jd(p_opt,['fig_',id_simul,'_rr',colstr],'./figures',2)
0320     print_jd(p_opt,['fig_',id_simul,'_f1',colstr],'./figures',3)
0321     %
0322     if nr > 1,
0323         %
0324         figure(4),clf
0325         %
0326         xlim = [0,1];
0327         xlab = 'r/a';
0328         ylab = 'n/n_e';
0329         if isfield(graph,'ylim_norm'),
0330             ylim = graph.ylim_norm;
0331         else
0332             ylim = 10.^[-9,1];
0333             graph.ytick_norm = 10.^(-8:2:0);
0334         end
0335         %
0336         leg = {'ext. RE','int. RE','bulk','total'};
0337         %
0338         graph1D_jd(rho,tnorm.re(:,end),0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'-','none','r',2,siz,gca);
0339         graph1D_jd(rho,tnorm.ri(:,end),0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'-','none','b',2,siz,gca);
0340         graph1D_jd(rho,tnorm.b(:,end),0,1,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'-','none',[0,0.5,0],2,siz,gca);
0341         graph1D_jd(rho,tnorm.tot(:,end),0,1,xlab,ylab,tit,leg,xlim,ylim,'-','none','k',2,siz,gca,0.9,0.7,0.7);
0342         %
0343         set(gca,'xtick',0:0.2:1)
0344         %
0345         if isfield(graph,'ytick_norm'),
0346             set(gca,'ytick',graph.ytick_norm)
0347         end
0348         set(gca,'YMinorGrid','off')
0349         set(gca,'YMinorTick','on')
0350         %
0351         figure(5),clf
0352         %
0353         ylim = NaN;
0354         %
0355         leg = cell(1,ntdisp);
0356         for iit = 1:ntdisp-1,
0357             leg{iit} = ['t/\tau_c = ',num2str(tn(1+graph.itdisp(iit)))];
0358             graph1D_jd(rho,tnorm.re(:,1+graph.itdisp(iit)) + tnorm.ri(:,1+graph.itdisp(iit)),0,0,'','','',NaN,xlim,ylim,'-','none',colors{iit},2,siz);
0359         end
0360         leg{ntdisp} = ['t/\tau_c = ',num2str(tn(1+graph.itdisp(ntdisp)))];
0361         graph1D_jd(rho,tnorm.re(:,1+graph.itdisp(ntdisp)) + tnorm.ri(:,1+graph.itdisp(ntdisp)),0,0,xlab,ylab,tit,leg,xlim,ylim,'-','none',colors{ntdisp},2,siz,gca,0.9,0.7,0.7);
0362         %
0363         set(gca,'xtick',0:0.2:1)
0364 %         set(gca,'ytick',0:0.2:1)
0365         %
0366     elseif isfield(graph,'dp_cyl') && graph.dp_cyl > 0,
0367         %
0368         if ~isfield(graph,'pnmax_disp'),
0369             graph.pnmax_disp = pnmax_S;
0370         end
0371         %
0372         f02D = f{end};
0373         fM2D = f{1};
0374         %
0375         calc_fcyl_jd(f02D,sqrt(betath2),fgrid.pn,fgrid.mhu,graph.dp_cyl,1,1,graph.pnmax_disp,tacc{end},pmhucrit,[6,0,0]);       
0376         set(gca,'xlim',graph.xlim_disp);
0377         set(gca,'xtick',graph.xtick_disp);
0378         set(gca,'ylim',graph.ylim_disp);
0379         set(gca,'ytick',graph.ytick_disp);
0380         %
0381         figpos = get(gcf,'position');
0382 %         newfigpos = [figpos(1),figpos(2),figpos(3),figpos(3)*diff(graph.ylim_disp)/diff(graph.xlim_disp)];
0383         newfigpos = [figpos(1),figpos(2),figpos(3),figpos(3)*1/2];
0384         set(gcf,'position',newfigpos)
0385         %
0386         % stream function
0387         %
0388         dke_out.ZXXS = ZXXS;
0389         dke_out.xRR_fsav = RR;
0390         dke_out.betath_ref = sqrt(betath2);
0391         %
0392         gridDKE.xmhubounce2 = 0;
0393         %
0394         stream_dke_jd(dke_out,opt,fgrid,gridDKE,1,graph.dp_cyl,graph,tacc{end},pmhucrit,7);
0395         %
0396 %         ch = get(gca,'children');% case where both are on same fig.
0397 %         set(gca,'children',ch([3,4,2,1]));
0398         set(gca,'xlim',graph.xlim_disp);
0399         set(gca,'xtick',graph.xtick_disp);
0400         set(gca,'ylim',graph.ylim_disp);
0401         set(gca,'ytick',graph.ytick_disp);
0402         set(gcf,'position',newfigpos)
0403         %
0404         print_jd(p_opt,['fig_',id_simul,'_f2',colstr],'./figures',6)
0405         print_jd(p_opt,['fig_',id_simul,'_stream',colstr],'./figures',7)
0406         %
0407     end
0408     %
0409 end
0410 %

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