


function external = load_externaldata_TS(workdir,shotnum,shotime,t1,t2,opt_gui)


 This function loads data from TS database


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function external = load_externaldata_TS(workdir,shotnum,shotime,t1,t2,opt_gui)
0002 %
0003 % This function loads data from TS database
0004 %
0005 if nargin <= 1,
0006     shotnum = input_dke_yp(['shotnumber'],'');
0007 end
0008 %
0009 if nargin <= 2,
0010     shotime = input_dke_yp(['shotime'],'');
0011 end
0012 %
0013 if nargin <= 3,
0014     t1 = input_dke_yp(['t1 (s)'],[]);
0015 end
0016 %
0017 if nargin <= 4,
0018     t2 = input_dke_yp(['t2 (s)'],[]);
0019 end
0020 %
0021 external = '';
0022 basestr = 'TS';
0023 %
0024 if exist('tsbase','file') ~= 3,
0025     disp('-----> Access to the TS database is not granted.')
0026     disp('-----> You need the mex file tsbase in the matlab path.');
0027     return;
0028 end
0029 %
0030 % circular equilibrium
0031 %
0032 xpoint(1) = 1;%Vertical position of the top X point
0033 xpoint(2) = 0;%Horizontal position of the top X point
0034 xpoint(3) = 0;%Angle between the separatrix and the horizontal plane for the top X point (degree)
0035 xpoint(4) = 0;%Angle between the separatrix and the horizontal plane for the top X point (degree)
0036 xpoint(5) = 1;%Vertical position of the bottom X point (always positive value)
0037 xpoint(6) = 0;%Horizontal position of the bottom X point
0038 xpoint(7) = 0;%Angle between the separatrix and the horizontal plane for the bottom X point (degree)
0039 xpoint(8) = 0;%Angle between the separatrix and the horizontal plane for the bottom X point (degree)
0040 %
0041 while 1,
0042     certif_tprof = input_dke_yp('Enter a certification for ''tprof'' data: (-1) exit, 0 (no certification), 1, 2, 3, 4',0,{-1,0,1,2,3,4},'Invalid selection');
0043     if certif_tprof == -1,
0044         return
0045     end
0046     %
0047     [flag,ap,Rp,Zp,Bt,Ip,qmin,eq,qopt,Zi,mi,fi,Te0,Tea,eTe1,eTe2,ne0,nea,ene1,ene2,Ti0,Tia,eTi1,eTi2,Zeff0,Zeffa,eZeff,xZeff,vloop] = load_tprof_tsbase_yp(shotnum,certif_tprof,str2num(shotime),t1,t2,basestr);
0048     if isempty(ap),%tprof data are not documented for this shot and this certification
0049         disp(['WARNING: ''tprof'' data do not exist for shot #',shotnum,' and certification ',int2str(certif_tprof),'. Please try another certification or exit.']);
0050         disp('WARNING: Missing tprof data must be created.');
0051     else
0052         break
0053     end
0054 end
0055 %
0056 while 1,
0057     certif_thyb = input_dke_yp('Enter a certification for ''thyb'' data: (-1) exit, 0 (no certification), 1, 2, 3, 4',0,{-1,0,1,2,3,4},'Invalid selection');
0058     if certif_thyb == -1,
0059         clear('LH');
0060         break
0061     end
0062     %
0063     [flag_LH,LH] = load_LH_tsbase_yp(shotnum,certif_thyb,str2num(shotime),t1,t2,basestr);
0064     if isempty(LH) || ~flag_LH,%thyb data are not documented for this shot and this certification
0065         disp(['WARNING: No ''thyb'' data do not exist for shot #',shotnum,' and certification ',int2str(certif_thyb),'. Please try another certification or exit.']);
0066     else        
0067         break
0068     end
0069 end        
0070 %
0071 while 1,
0072     certif_tfce = input_dke_yp('Enter a certification for ''tfce'' data: (-1) exit, 0 (no certification), 1, 2, 3, 4',0,{-1,0,1,2,3,4},'Invalid selection');
0073     if certif_tfce == -1,
0074         clear('EC');
0075         break
0076     end
0077     %
0078     [flag_EC,EC] = load_EC_tsbase_yp(shotnum,certif_tfce,str2num(shotime),t1,t2,basestr);
0079     if isempty(EC) || ~flag_EC,,%tfce data are not documented for this shot and this certification
0080         disp(['WARNING: No ''tfce'' data do not exist for shot #',shotnum,' and certification ',int2str(certif_tfce),'. Please try another certification or exit.']);
0081     else
0082         break
0083     end
0084 end        
0085 %
0086 % Data saved for irunluke
0087 %
0088 external.equil.shotnum = shotnum;
0089 external.equil.shotime = shotime;
0090 %
0091 external.equil.magnetic.ap = ap;
0092 external.equil.magnetic.Rp = Rp;
0093 external.equil.magnetic.Zp = Zp;
0094 external.equil.magnetic.Ip = Ip;
0095 external.equil.magnetic.Bt = Bt;
0096 external.equil.magnetic.qopt = qopt;
0097 external.equil.magnetic.qmin_Rpap = qmin*Rp/ap;
0098 external.equil.magnetic.eq = eq;
0099 %
0100 external.equil.magnetic.xpoint = xpoint;
0101 %
0102 external.equil.prof.Zi = Zi;
0103 external.equil.prof.mi = mi;
0104 external.equil.prof.fi = fi;
0105 external.equil.prof.Te0 = Te0;
0106 external.equil.prof.Tea = Tea;
0107 external.equil.prof.eTe1 = eTe1;
0108 external.equil.prof.eTe2 = eTe2;
0109 external.equil.prof.ne0 = ne0;
0110 external.equil.prof.nea = nea;
0111 external.equil.prof.ene1 = ene1;
0112 external.equil.prof.ene2 = ene2;
0113 external.equil.prof.Ti0 = Ti0;
0114 external.equil.prof.Tia = Tia;
0115 external.equil.prof.eTi1 = eTi1;
0116 external.equil.prof.eTi2 = eTi2;
0117 external.equil.prof.Zeff0 = Zeff0;
0118 external.equil.prof.Zeffa = Zeffa;
0119 external.equil.prof.eZeff = eZeff;
0120 external.equil.prof.xZeff = xZeff;
0121 %
0122 external.ohm.vloop = vloop;
0123 %
0124 if flag_LH,
0125     external.wave.LH = LH;
0126 end
0127 %
0128 if flag_EC,
0129     external.wave.EC = EC;
0130 end
0131 %
0132 external.id = ['TS_',shotnum,'_',shotime,'_',num2str(certif_tprof),'_',num2str(certif_thyb),'_',num2str(certif_tfce)];

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