


function [waveparam,xyprop_dke_rf,xyP0_2piRp_in_rf,xyP0_2piRp_in_rf_coll,xyP0_2piRp_in_rf_noabs,yb_rf,yP0_2piRp,xys_rf] = rfwave_dke_jd(dkeparam,display,equil,equilDKE,gridDKE,Zbouncecoef,mksa,waves);


    RF input parameters for the Drift Kinetic equation solver (dke_4_1yp.m). 


    Warning: none

by J.Decker MIT/RLE <jodecker@mit.edu> and Y.Peysson CEA/DRFC <yves.peysson@cea.fr> 04/29/2003


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [waveparam,xyprop_dke_rf,xyP0_2piRp_in_rf,xyP0_2piRp_in_rf_coll,xyP0_2piRp_in_rf_noabs,yb_rf,yP0_2piRp,xys_rf] = rfwave_dke_jd(dkeparam,display,equil,equilDKE,gridDKE,Zbouncecoef,mksa,waves);
0002 %
0003 %    RF input parameters for the Drift Kinetic equation solver (dke_4_1yp.m).
0004 %
0005 %    Input:
0006 %
0007 %    Output:
0008 %
0009 %    Warning: none
0010 %
0011 %by J.Decker MIT/RLE <jodecker@mit.edu> and Y.Peysson CEA/DRFC <yves.peysson@cea.fr> 04/29/2003
0012 %
0013 [qe,me,mp,mn,e0,mu0,re,mc2] = pc_dke_yp;
0014 %
0015 %dke_mode = dkeparam.dke_mode;
0016 %
0017 if isfield(dkeparam,'npresmin'),
0018     npresmin = dkeparam.npresmin;% minimum number of resonant points for numerical stability.
0019 else
0020     npresmin = 5;
0021 end
0022 %
0023 display_mode = display.display_mode;
0024 %
0025 xpsin = gridDKE.xpsin;
0026 xpsin_dke = gridDKE.xpsin_dke;
0027 %xdpsin_dke = gridDKE.xdpsin_dke;
0028 %r_dke = gridDKE.rdke;
0029 xpsin_S_dke = gridDKE.xpsin_S_dke;
0030 %
0031 % Xx = equilDKE.Xx;
0032 % Xy = equilDKE.Xy;
0033 % XBx = equilDKE.XBx;
0034 % XBy = equilDKE.XBy;
0035 % XBphi = equilDKE.XBphi;
0036 % xB0 = equilDKE.xB0;
0037 % Rp = equilDKE.Rp;
0038 % ap = equilDKE.ap;
0039 % %
0040 % xqtilde = Zbouncecoef.xqtilde;
0041 % xqhat = Zbouncecoef.xqhat;
0042 % %
0043 % ne_ref = mksa.ne_ref;
0044 % lnc_e_ref = mksa.lnc_e_ref;
0045 %
0046 equil_id = equil.id;
0047 method = 'linear';%'spline';%interpolation technique in psi
0048 %
0049 %nr_dke = length(xpsin_dke);
0050 nr = length(xpsin);
0051 %
0052 % equilibrium data with Fourier-enhanced poloidal precision and original radial grid
0053 %
0054 [equilDKE_Fourier] = equilibrium_jd(equil);
0055 %
0056 % theta = equilDKE_Fourier.mtheta;
0057 % ppsin = equilDKE_Fourier.xpsin;
0058 % ptx = equilDKE_Fourier.Xx;
0059 % pty = equilDKE_Fourier.Xy;
0060 % ptBx = equilDKE_Fourier.XBx;
0061 % ptBy = equilDKE_Fourier.XBy;
0062 % ptBphi = equilDKE_Fourier.XBphi;
0063 % pB0 = equilDKE_Fourier.xB0;
0064 % px0 = equilDKE_Fourier.xx0;
0065 % pBT0 = equilDKE_Fourier.xBT0;
0066 % pBp0 = equilDKE_Fourier.xBp0;
0067 % prho = equilDKE_Fourier.xrho;
0068 % pTe = equilDKE_Fourier.xTe;
0069 % pne = equilDKE_Fourier.xne;
0070 % pzTi = equilDKE_Fourier.xzTi;
0071 % pzni = equilDKE_Fourier.xzni;
0072 % zZi = equilDKE_Fourier.zZi;
0073 % zmi = equilDKE_Fourier.zmi;
0074 % pZeff = equilDKE_Fourier.xZeff;
0075 % Rp = equilDKE_Fourier.Rp;
0076 % Zp = equilDKE_Fourier.Zp;
0077 % %
0078 % ptr = sqrt(ptx.^2 + pty.^2); %minor radius on the (psi,stheta) grid
0079 % ptBP = sqrt(ptBx.^2 + ptBy.^2); %poloidal magnetic field on the (psi,stheta) grid
0080 % ptB = sqrt(ptBP.^2 + ptBphi.^2); %magnetic field on the (psi,stheta) grid
0081 %
0082 ibw = 0;
0083 rays = {};
0084 % vsrays = {};
0085 %
0086 n0_rf_list = [];
0087 %
0088 for iw = 1:length(waves),%
0089     %
0090     % ======================================================================
0091     %                       treats each wave individually
0092     % ======================================================================
0093     %
0094     wave = waves{iw};
0095     %
0096     if wave.equil_id ~= equil_id
0097         error('DKE and WAVE equilibria are different')
0098     end
0099     %
0100     if isfield(wave,'n_rf_list'),
0101         n_rf_list = wave.n_rf_list;
0102     elseif isfield(dkeparam,'n_rf_list'),
0103         n_rf_list = dkeparam.n_rf_list;
0104     elseif isfield(wave,'waveparam') && isfield(wave.waveparam,'n_rf_list'),
0105         n_rf_list = wave.waveparam.n_rf_list;
0106     else
0107         disp('Warning : no n_rf_list data found, enforced to 0:3')
0108         n_rf_list = 0:3;
0109     end
0110     %
0111     if isfield(wave,'model') && strcmp(wave.model,'FW'),%full wave simulation
0112         waveparam = wave;
0113         waveparam.n_rf_list = n_rf_list;
0114         xyprop_dke_rf = zeros(nr,0);
0115         xyP0_2piRp_in_rf = zeros(nr,0);
0116         xys_rf = zeros(nr,0);
0117         yb_rf = zeros(1,0);
0118         yP0_2piRp = zeros(1,0);
0119         %
0120         return
0121     end        
0122     %
0123     omega_rf = wave.omega_rf;% The wave frequency (in rad/s) [1,1]
0124     %
0125     if isfield(wave,'dsmin'),
0126         dsmin = wave.dsmin;%minimum interval for ray fragments
0127     else
0128         dsmin = Inf;
0129     end
0130     %
0131     %rays = wave.rays;%list of rays {1,nb}
0132     opt_rf = wave.opt_rf;%option for FLR calculations [1,1]
0133     opt_disp = wave.opt_disp;  % option for solving the wave equation, which gives (ray.sepol_pmz, ray.sphi, ray.sNperp)
0134                                 % as a function of the ray location, the equilibrium and rays_Npar.
0135       %(0): given by ray-tracing code (requires the three parameters above to be given by RT)
0136       %(1): solved in DKE, cold plasma model -colddisp_dke_jd-
0137       %(2): solved in DKE, warm plasma model -warmdisp_dke_jd- (first order thermal corrections)
0138       %(3): solved in DKE, non-relativistic hot plasma model -R2D2- (Warning: so far, electrons only)
0139       %(4): solved in DKE, relativistic hot plasma model -R2D2- (Warning: so far, electrons only)
0140     %
0141     for iray = 1:length(wave.rays),%
0142         %
0143         % ======================================================================
0144         %                       treats each ray individually
0145         % ======================================================================
0146         %
0147         ray = wave.rays{iray};
0148         % ======================================================================
0149         %                   cut invalid ray path !!!!! CRONOS error
0150         % ======================================================================
0151         %
0152         if ~isempty(ray.sepol_pmz),
0153             ismax = min([find(isnan(ray.sepol_pmz(3,:)))-1,Inf]);
0154         else
0155             ismax = Inf;
0156         end
0157         %
0158         %
0159         % ======================================================================
0160         %                   calculates missing ray info if needed
0161         % ======================================================================
0162         %
0163         % The following information is necessary for including the
0164         % contribution of the ray in DKE:
0165         % - P0: Power launched in the ray (W) [1,1]
0166         % - ss: Propagation distance parameter for each ray [1,ns]
0167         % - spsin: Ray location (normalized magnetic flux) along the propagation [1,ns]
0168         % - stheta: Ray location (poloidal angle) along the propagation [1,ns]
0169         % - sNpar: Ray parallel wave number [1,ns]
0170         % - sNperp: Ray perpendicular wave number [1,ns]
0171         % - sdNpar: Ray spectral width in Npar [1,ns]
0172         %       if sdNpar is real -> gaussian spectrum, if sdNpar is imag. -> square spectrum (centered on sNpar)
0173         % - sepol_pmz: polarization vector [3,ns] complex
0174         % - sphi_xyz: normalized power flow [3,ns]
0175         %
0176         % if these quantities are not calculated by the ray-tracing code,
0177         % they will be determined from the other RT output according to the
0178         % following scheme:
0179         %
0180         % - sR, sphi, sZ -> ss
0181         % - sR, sZ -> spsin, stheta
0182         % - skR, sn, skZ -> sNpar, sNperp
0183         % - sNpar -> sdNpar
0184         % - opt_disp, sNpar, omega_rf, equil -> sepol_pmz, sNperp, sphi_xyz
0185         %
0186         if isfield(wave,'rayparam') && isfield(wave.rayparam,'colldamp'),%backward compatibility
0187             colldamp = wave.rayparam.colldamp;
0188         else
0189             colldamp = 0;%no collisional damping
0190         end
0191         %
0192         ray = rayprocess_jd(ray,equilDKE_Fourier,opt_disp,omega_rf,n_rf_list,method,colldamp);
0193         %
0194 %         P0_2piRp = ray.P0_2piRp;% Power launched in the ray (W) [1,1]
0195 %         %
0196 %         ss = ray.ss(1:min(ismax,length(ray.ss)));% Ray propagation distance parameter for each ray (put to NaN once the ray is absorbed) [1,ns]
0197 %         spsin = ray.spsin(1:min(ismax,length(ray.spsin)));% Ray location (normalized magnetic flux) along the propagation [1,ns]
0198 %         stheta = ray.stheta(1:min(ismax,length(ray.stheta)));% Ray location (poloidal angle) along the propagation [1,ns]
0199 %         %
0200 %         sNpar = ray.sNpar(1:min(ismax,length(ray.sNpar)));% Ray parallel wave number [1,ns]
0201 %         sNperp = ray.sNperp(1:min(ismax,length(ray.sNperp)));% Ray perpendicular wave number [1,ns]
0202 %         sdNpar = ray.sdNpar(1:min(ismax,length(ray.sdNpar)));% Ray spectral width in Npar [1,ns]
0203 %         %       if sdNpar is real -> gaussian spectrum, if sdNpar is imag. -> square spectrum (centered on sNpar)
0204 %         %
0205 %         sepol_pmz = ray.sepol_pmz(:,1:min(ismax,size(ray.sepol_pmz,2)));% polarization vector [3,ns] complex
0206 %         sphi_xyz = ray.sphi_xyz(:,1:min(ismax,size(ray.sphi_xyz,2)));% normalized power flow [3,ns]
0207 %         salphaphi_lin = ray.salphaphi_lin(:,1:min(ismax,length(ray.salphaphi_lin)));% Linear absorption coefficient (m-1) along the propagation [1,ns]
0208 %         %
0209 %         % Store useful information for DKE in a vsray matrix
0210 %         %
0211 %         vsray = [ss;spsin;stheta;sNpar;sNperp;sdNpar;sepol_pmz;sphi_xyz;salphaphi_lin];
0212         %
0213         % Regroup vsray matrices in a list
0214         %
0215 %         ibw = ibw + 1;
0216 %         vsrays{ibw} = vsray;
0217 %         yomega_rf(ibw) = omega_rf;
0218 %         yopt_rf(ibw) = opt_rf;
0219 %         yP0_2piRp(ibw) = P0_2piRp;
0220         ibw = ibw + 1;
0221         ray.omega_rf = omega_rf;
0222         ray.opt_rf = opt_rf;
0223         ray.dsmin = dsmin;%minimum interval for ray fragments
0224         %
0225         % Minimum spectral width for numerical stability. LH only for now
0226         %
0227         somega_ce = qe*ray.sB/me;
0228         sy = somega_ce./omega_rf;
0229         sNpar = real(ray.sNpar);
0230         sbetath = sqrt(ray.sTe/mc2);
0231         %
0232         snres = zeros(1,length(sy));
0233         %
0234         snres = snres + (abs(sNpar) < 1 ).*ceil(sqrt(1 - sNpar.^2)./sy);
0235         snres = snres + (abs(sNpar) >= 1).*round(1./sy);
0236         %
0237         syn = snres.*sy;
0238         %
0239         spparmin = abs((abs(sNpar).*syn - sqrt(syn.^2 + sNpar.^2 - 1))./(1 - sNpar.^2))./sbetath;
0240         spparmin1 = NaN(1,length(sy));
0241         spparmin1(syn ~= 0) = abs(1 - syn(syn ~= 0).^2)./(2*sbetath(syn ~= 0).*syn(syn ~= 0));
0242         spparmin(sNpar == 1) = spparmin1(sNpar == 1);
0243         %
0244         spparmax = (abs(sNpar).*syn + sqrt(syn.^2 + sNpar.^2 - 1))./(1 - sNpar.^2)./sbetath;
0245         spparmax(sNpar >= 1) = Inf;
0246         %
0247         spparmax(spparmax > spparmin + 1) = spparmin(spparmax > spparmin + 1) + 1;
0248         %
0249         sgammamin = sqrt(1 + sbetath.^2.*spparmin.^2);
0250         sgammamax = sqrt(1 + sbetath.^2.*spparmax.^2);
0251         %
0252         sdNpardpparmin = sbetath.*abs(sNpar).*sqrt(2.*sgammamin.*syn - 1 - sgammamin.^2.*(1 - sNpar.^2))./sgammamin./abs(sgammamin - syn);
0253         sdNpardpparmax = sbetath.*abs(sNpar).*sqrt(2.*sgammamax.*syn - 1 - sgammamax.^2.*(1 - sNpar.^2))./sgammamax./abs(sgammamax - syn);
0254         %
0255         if any(imag([sdNpardpparmin,sdNpardpparmax]) ~= 0),
0256             info_dke_yp(2,['WARNING: imaginary dnparmin found']);
0257         end
0258         %
0259         sdNparmindpparmin = min([sdNpardpparmin;sdNpardpparmax]);
0260         %
0261         sdNparmin = sdNparmindpparmin*npresmin*dkeparam.pnmax_S/dkeparam.np_S;
0262         %
0263         sdNparmin = min([sdNparmin;abs(sNpar)]);
0264         %
0265         smaskmin = imag(ray.sdNpar) == 0 & ray.sdNpar < sdNparmin;
0266         %
0267         if any(smaskmin),
0268             info_dke_yp(2,['WARNING: wave #',num2str(iw),' ray #',num2str(iray),' dNpar increased for ',num2str(sum(smaskmin)),'/',num2str(length(smaskmin)),' data points for numerical stability.']);
0269             info_dke_yp(4,['Average increase factor : ',num2str(mean(sdNparmin(smaskmin)./ray.sdNpar(smaskmin))),'; Max dNpar value, old : ',num2str(max(ray.sdNpar)),' , new : ',num2str(max(sdNparmin(smaskmin)))]);
0270             ray.sdNpar(smaskmin) = sdNparmin(smaskmin);
0271         end
0272         %
0273         rays{ibw} = ray;% minimum number of resonant points for numerical stability.
0274     end
0275     %
0276     n0_rf_list = min([n0_rf_list,n_rf_list]):max([n0_rf_list,n_rf_list]);
0277     %
0278 end
0279 %
0280 % ======================================================================
0281 %           Discretization of the rays on the flux-surfaces
0282 % ======================================================================
0283 %
0284 [waveparam,xyprop_dke_rf,xys_rf,xyP0_2piRp_in_rf,xyP0_2piRp_in_rf_coll,xyP0_2piRp_in_rf_noabs,yb,yP0_2piRp] = propagation_jd(rays,xpsin_S_dke,xpsin_dke,method,display_mode);
0285 %disp('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
0286 %
0287 if isfield(dkeparam,'n_rf_list'),% in this case the LUKE n_rf_list is imposed by dkeparam
0288     if display.display_mode > 0,
0289         disp(['List of cyclotron harmonics in LUKE imposed by dkeparam : ',num2str(dkeparam.n_rf_list)])
0290     end
0291     waveparam.n_rf_list = dkeparam.n_rf_list;
0292 else
0293     if display.display_mode > 0,
0294         disp(['List of cyclotron harmonics in LUKE compiled from all waves : ',num2str(n0_rf_list)])
0295     end
0296     waveparam.n_rf_list = n0_rf_list;
0297 end
0298 %
0299 nb_rf = size(yb,2);%number of actual rays
0300 %nbb_rf = size(xyprop_dke_rf,2);%number of ray subdivisions
0301 %
0302 if nb_rf == 0%no rays
0303     waveparam.model = 'RT';
0304     waveparam.bomega_rf = '';
0305     xyprop_dke_rf = zeros(nr,0);
0306     xyP0_2piRp_in_rf = zeros(nr,0);
0307     xys_rf = zeros(nr,0);
0308     yb_rf = zeros(1,0);
0309     %
0310     return
0311 end
0312 %
0313 yb_rf = yb(1,:);%position of ray starts
0314 % for ibb = 1:nbb_rf
0315 %     ib_rf(ibb) = max(find(yb_rf <= ibb));%new ray number
0316 % end
0317 % ib_rf_old = ib_old(ib_rf);%old ray number (may be different if some rays did not enter the plasma)
0318 % %
0319 % % parameters that do not vary along the ray
0320 % %
0321 % xyomega_rf = ones(nr,1)*yomega_rf(ib_rf_old);% wave frequency
0322 % xyopt_rf = ones(nr,1)*yopt_rf(ib_rf_old);% FLR option
0323 % %
0324 % % parameters that vary along the ray and are so far calculated for dke positions only
0325 % %
0326 % % Note: for positions that are not visited by the ray, we set xyP0_2piRp_in_rf = 0
0327 % %
0328 % xymask_prop_dke = xyprop_dke_rf ~= 0;%DKE points visited by the ray
0329 % if dke_mode == 1 % interpolation for the FP positions (only necessary if dke_mode == 1)
0330 % %
0331 %     xyvray = zeros(nr,nbb_rf,12);
0332 %     xyfinc_rf = zeros(nr,nbb_rf);
0333 %     xyP0_2piRp_in_rf = zeros(nr,nbb_rf);
0334 % %
0335 %     for ibb = 1:nbb_rf
0336 %         xmask_prop_fp = [(min(r_dke(xymask_prop_dke(:,ibb))) - 1):(max(r_dke(xymask_prop_dke(:,ibb))) + 1)];%corresponding FP points
0337 % %
0338 %         if nr_dke == 1,
0339 %             xyvray(xmask_prop_fp,ibb,:) = repmat(xyvray_dke(xymask_prop_dke(:,ibb),ibb,:),[3,1,1]);
0340 %             xyfinc_rf(xmask_prop_fp,ibb) = repmat(xyfinc_dke_rf(xymask_prop_dke(:,ibb),ibb),[3,1,1]);
0341 %             xyP0_2piRp_in_rf(xmask_prop_fp,ibb) = yP0_2piRp(ib_rf_old(ibb));% initial incident power
0342 %         else
0343 %             xyvray(xmask_prop_fp,ibb,:) = interp1(xpsin_dke(xymask_prop_dke(:,ibb)),xyvray_dke(xymask_prop_dke(:,ibb)),xpsin(xmask_prop_fp),method);
0344 %             xyfinc_rf(xmask_prop_fp,ibb) = interp1(xpsin_dke(xymask_prop_dke(:,ibb)),xyfinc_dke_rf(xymask_prop_dke(:,ibb)),xpsin(xmask_prop_fp),method);
0345 %             xyP0_2piRp_in_rf(xmask_prop_fp,ibb) = yP0_2piRp(ib_rf_old(ibb));% initial incident power
0346 %         end
0347 % %
0348 %     end
0349 % else
0350 %     xyvray = xyvray_dke;
0351 %     xyfinc_rf = xyfinc_dke_rf;
0352 %     xyP0_2piRp_in_rf = xymask_prop_dke.*(ones(nr,1)*yP0_2piRp(ib_rf_old));% initial incident power
0353 % end
0354 % %
0355 % xys_rf = xyvray(:,:,1);
0356 % xythetab_rf = xyvray(:,:,3);
0357 % xyNpar_in = xyvray(:,:,4);
0358 % xyNperp_rf = xyvray(:,:,5);
0359 % xydNpar_in = xyvray(:,:,6);
0360 % xyepolp_rf = xyvray(:,:,7);
0361 % xyepolm_rf = xyvray(:,:,8);
0362 % xyepolz_rf = xyvray(:,:,9);
0363 % xyphix_rf = xyvray(:,:,10);
0364 % xyphiy_rf = xyvray(:,:,11);
0365 % xyphiz_rf = xyvray(:,:,12);
0366 % xyalphaphi_lin_rf = xyvray(:,:,13);
0367 % %
0368 % % Spectral properties
0369 % %
0370 % xyNparmin_rf = NaN*ones(nr,nbb_rf);
0371 % xyNparmax_rf = NaN*ones(nr,nbb_rf);
0372 % xyNpar_rf = NaN*ones(nr,nbb_rf);
0373 % xydNpar_rf = NaN*ones(nr,nbb_rf);
0374 % %
0375 % xymaskGauss_rf = find(imag(xydNpar_in) == 0);
0376 % xymaskSquare_rf = find(imag(xydNpar_in) ~= 0);
0377 % %
0378 % xyNpar_rf(xymaskGauss_rf) = xyNpar_in(xymaskGauss_rf);
0379 % xydNpar_rf(xymaskGauss_rf) = xydNpar_in(xymaskGauss_rf);
0380 % %
0381 % xyNparmin_rf(xymaskSquare_rf) = xyNpar_in(xymaskSquare_rf) - imag(xydNpar_in(xymaskSquare_rf))/2;
0382 % xyNparmax_rf(xymaskSquare_rf) = xyNpar_in(xymaskSquare_rf) + imag(xydNpar_in(xymaskSquare_rf))/2;
0383 % %
0384 % wpe_ref = sqrt(ne_ref*qe^2/e0/me);
0385 % %
0386 % xyabsphi_xyz_rf = sqrt(abs(xyphix_rf).^2 + abs(xyphiy_rf).^2 + abs(xyphiz_rf).^2);
0387 % %
0388 % xyabsphi_xyz_rf(xyabsphi_xyz_rf == 0) = eps;%avoid singularities
0389 % xydNpar_rf(xydNpar_rf == 0) = eps;%avoid singularities
0390 % %
0391 % [xyBb_rf,xyBPb_rf,xyrb_rf,xycosb_rf,xyxb_rf] = mg_interp_jd(theta,Xx,Xy,XBx,XBy,XBphi,xythetab_rf,method);
0392 % %
0393 % xyB0 = repmat(xB0.',[1,nbb_rf]);
0394 % xyqhat = repmat(xqhat.',[1,nbb_rf]);
0395 % xyqtilde = repmat(xqtilde.',[1,nbb_rf]);
0396 % %
0397 % xyFhat = xyrb_rf.*xyB0./(ap*xyBPb_rf.*xyqhat.*xycosb_rf.*(1 + xyxb_rf/Rp));
0398 % xyFtilde = xyrb_rf.*xyBb_rf./(ap*xyBPb_rf.*xyqtilde.*xycosb_rf);
0399 % %
0400 % xyD0_rf_ref = 2*pi*xyfinc_rf.*xyP0_2piRp_in_rf.*xyFhat.*xyFtilde./(xyrb_rf.*me*lnc_e_ref.*xyomega_rf*wpe_ref^2.*xyabsphi_xyz_rf);
0401 % %
0402 % waveparam = zeros(nr,nbb_rf,13);
0403 % %
0404 % waveparam(:,:,1) = xyomega_rf;%RF wave frequency
0405 % waveparam(:,:,2) = xyopt_rf;%Options for Larmor radius effects and/or EBW calc.
0406 % waveparam(:,:,3) = xythetab_rf;%Poloidal location of RF beam (relevant for bounce_mode > 0 only)
0407 % waveparam(:,:,4) = xyD0_rf_ref;%RF quasi-linear diffusion coefficient (nhuth_ref*pth_ref^2)
0408 % waveparam(:,:,5) = xyNparmin_rf;%Square N// spectrum: Lower limit
0409 % waveparam(:,:,6) = xyNparmax_rf;%Square N// spectrum: Upper limit
0410 % waveparam(:,:,7) = xyNpar_rf;%Gaussian N// spectrum: peak n//
0411 % waveparam(:,:,8) = xydNpar_rf;%Gaussian N// spectrum: width in n//
0412 % waveparam(:,:,9) = xyNperp_rf;%RF wave : n_perp
0413 % waveparam(:,:,10) = xyepolp_rf;%RF wave : polarization plus
0414 % waveparam(:,:,11) = xyepolm_rf;%RF wave : polarization minus
0415 % waveparam(:,:,12) = xyepolz_rf;%RF wave : polarization parallel
0416 % waveparam(:,:,13) = xyalphaphi_lin_rf;%RF wave : Linear absorption coefficient
0417 %

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