


function [Ytheta1,Ytheta2,YF1,YF2] = interp_theta_jd(theta,XBx,XBy,XBz,YBb,XF)


 This function calculates the positions Ytheta1 and Ytheta2 located respectively between two grid 
 positions Xtheta(i1a) and Xtheta(i1b) for Ytheta1, and Xtheta(i2a) and Xtheta(i2b) for Ytheta2,
 obtained by interpolation with the condition B(theta) = YBb, meaning such that, for j=1,2 :

 - XBx(ija)*alpha + XBx(ijb)*(1-alpha) := Bxj
 - XBy(ija)*alpha + XBy(ijb)*(1-alpha) := Byj
 - XBz(ija)*alpha + XBz(ijb)*(1-alpha) := Bzj
 - sqrt(Bxj^2 + Byj^2 + Bzj^2) := Bj = YBb

 This function is restricted to the case where XB=sqrt(XBx^2 + XBy^2 + XBz^2) has only one maximum 
 and one minimum, such that the equation B(theta) = YBb has either 2 solutions or none.
 The function also interpolates the data XF at the theta location  

   INPUT :

       - theta : poloidal grid [1,nt]. Must be periodic with Xtheta(nt) = Xtheta(1)
       - XBx : x component of the magnetic field [nt,np]. Must be periodic with XBx(nt,:) = XBx(1,:)
       - XBy : y component of the magnetic field [nt,np]. Must be periodic with XBy(nt,:) = XBy(1,:)
       - XBz : z component of the magnetic field [nt,np]. Must be periodic with XBz(nt,:) = XBz(1,:)
       - YBb : magnetic field amplitude at position theta [np,nb].
       - XF : data to be interpolated (optional) [nt,np,nf,...].


       - Ytheta1 : interpolated position, solution 1 [np,nb]. Ytheta1[ip,iY] = NaN if there no solution.
       - Ytheta2 : interpolated position, solution 2 [np,nb]. Ytheta2[ip,iY] = NaN if there no solution.
       - XF : data interpolated at theta = theta1 (optional) [np,nb,nf,...].
       - XF : data interpolated at theta = theta2 (optional) [np,nb,nf,...].

 by J. Decker ( and Y. Peysson (


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [Ytheta1,Ytheta2,YF1,YF2] = interp_theta_jd(theta,XBx,XBy,XBz,YBb,XF)
0002 %
0003 % This function calculates the positions Ytheta1 and Ytheta2 located respectively between two grid
0004 % positions Xtheta(i1a) and Xtheta(i1b) for Ytheta1, and Xtheta(i2a) and Xtheta(i2b) for Ytheta2,
0005 % obtained by interpolation with the condition B(theta) = YBb, meaning such that, for j=1,2 :
0006 %
0007 % - XBx(ija)*alpha + XBx(ijb)*(1-alpha) := Bxj
0008 % - XBy(ija)*alpha + XBy(ijb)*(1-alpha) := Byj
0009 % - XBz(ija)*alpha + XBz(ijb)*(1-alpha) := Bzj
0010 % - sqrt(Bxj^2 + Byj^2 + Bzj^2) := Bj = YBb
0011 %
0012 % This function is restricted to the case where XB=sqrt(XBx^2 + XBy^2 + XBz^2) has only one maximum
0013 % and one minimum, such that the equation B(theta) = YBb has either 2 solutions or none.
0014 % The function also interpolates the data XF at the theta location
0015 %
0016 %   INPUT :
0017 %
0018 %       - theta : poloidal grid [1,nt]. Must be periodic with Xtheta(nt) = Xtheta(1)
0019 %       - XBx : x component of the magnetic field [nt,np]. Must be periodic with XBx(nt,:) = XBx(1,:)
0020 %       - XBy : y component of the magnetic field [nt,np]. Must be periodic with XBy(nt,:) = XBy(1,:)
0021 %       - XBz : z component of the magnetic field [nt,np]. Must be periodic with XBz(nt,:) = XBz(1,:)
0022 %       - YBb : magnetic field amplitude at position theta [np,nb].
0023 %       - XF : data to be interpolated (optional) [nt,np,nf,...].
0024 %
0025 %   OUTPUT :
0026 %
0027 %       - Ytheta1 : interpolated position, solution 1 [np,nb]. Ytheta1[ip,iY] = NaN if there no solution.
0028 %       - Ytheta2 : interpolated position, solution 2 [np,nb]. Ytheta2[ip,iY] = NaN if there no solution.
0029 %       - XF : data interpolated at theta = theta1 (optional) [np,nb,nf,...].
0030 %       - XF : data interpolated at theta = theta2 (optional) [np,nb,nf,...].
0031 %
0032 % by J. Decker ( and Y. Peysson (
0033 %
0034 %
0035 if nargin < 5,
0036     error('Not enough input arguments');
0037 end
0038 %
0039 theta = theta(:);
0040 nt = length(theta);
0041 if nt < 3,
0042     error('The number of theta points must be at least 3');
0043 end
0044 %
0045 sBx = size(XBx);
0046 sBy = size(XBy);
0047 sBz = size(XBz);
0048 sBb = size(YBb);
0049 %
0050 if length(sBx) ~= 2 | sBx(1) ~= nt,
0051     error('Input variables dimensions mismatch');
0052 else
0053     np = sBx(2);
0054 end
0055 %
0056 if length(sBy) ~= 2 | length(sBz) ~= 2 | sBy ~= sBx | sBz ~= sBx | sBb(1) ~= np,
0057     error('Input variables dimensions mismatch');
0058 end
0059 %
0060 nb = size(YBb,2);
0061 %
0062 if nargin < 6,
0063     XF = zeros(np,nb,0);
0064 end
0065 %
0066 sF = size(XF); 
0067 if sF(1) ~= nt | sF(2) ~= np,
0068     error('Input variables dimensions mismatch');
0069 end
0070 %
0071 % ----------------------------------------------------------------
0072 %
0073 XBT = abs(XBz);%Toroidal B-field
0074 XBP = sqrt(XBx.^2 + XBy.^2);%Poloidal B-field
0075 XB = sqrt(XBT.^2 + XBP.^2);%Total B-field
0076 %XB = sqrt(XBx.^2 + XBy.^2 + XBz.^2);
0077 %
0078 % calculation of the number of extrema of B
0079 %
0080 pnextr = sum(diff(sign(diff(XB([1:nt,2],:),1,1)),1,1) ~= 0,1);
0081 if pnextr ~= 2*ones(1,np),
0082     error('The magnetic field must have one minimum and one maximum only');
0083 end
0084 %
0085 % for each p point, the theta grid is temporarily shifted such that the minimum of B field
0086 % is located at i=1 (and also i=nt);
0087 %
0088 pBmin = (XB(1:nt-1,:) == repmat(min(XB,[],1),[nt-1,1]));
0089 pBmax = (XB(1:nt-1,:) == repmat(max(XB,[],1),[nt-1,1]));
0090 %
0091 if sum(pBmin,1) ~= ones(1,np),
0092     error('The magnetic field must have one minimum only');
0093 end
0094 if sum(pBmax,1) ~= ones(1,np),
0095     error('The magnetic field must have one maximum only');
0096 end
0097 %
0098 XCS1 = repmat((1:nt-1).',[1,np]);%cumsum(ones(nt-1,np),1);
0099 XCS2 = repmat(1:np,[nt-1,1]);%cumsum(ones(nt-1,np),2);
0100 %
0101 pit_Bmin = sum(pBmin.*XCS1);
0102 pit_Bmax = sum(pBmax.*XCS1);
0103 %
0104 % construction of the matrix of indices
0105 %
0106 Xit_Bmin = XCS1 + repmat(pit_Bmin,[nt-1,1]) - 1;
0107 Xit_Bmin(Xit_Bmin > nt-1) = Xit_Bmin(Xit_Bmin > nt-1) - (nt-1);
0108 %
0109 Xit_Bmin = Xit_Bmin + nt*(XCS2-1);
0110 %
0111 % permutation of the magnetic field matrices
0112 %
0113 XBx = XBx(Xit_Bmin);XBx = [XBx;XBx(1,:)];
0114 XBy = XBy(Xit_Bmin);XBy = [XBy;XBy(1,:)];
0115 XBz = XBz(Xit_Bmin);XBz = [XBz;XBz(1,:)];
0116 XB = XB(Xit_Bmin);XB = [XB;XB(1,:)];
0117 %
0118 XbBb = repmat(reshape(YBb,[1,np,nb]),[nt,1,1]);
0119 XbB = repmat(XB,[1,1,nb]);
0120 %
0121 XbBb = reshape(XbBb,[nt,np*nb]);
0122 XbB = reshape(XbB,[nt,np*nb]);
0123 %
0124 Ymask = XbB(1,:) <= XbBb(1,:) & sum(XbB > XbBb,1) > 0;
0125 Ymask1 = max(XbB,[],1) == XbBb(1,:);% particular case where B(theta) = max(XB)
0126 %
0127 XbCS = repmat((1:nt).',[1,np*nb]);%cumsum(ones(nt,np*nb));
0128 %
0129 Xbimax = (XbB > XbBb).*XbCS;
0130 YBb = XbBb(1,Ymask);
0131 nY = length(YBb);
0132 %
0133 % clear XbBb XbB XbCS
0134 %
0135 Xbimax(Xbimax == 0) = NaN;
0136 %
0137 Yi1max = min(Xbimax,[],1);
0138 Yi1min = Yi1max - 1;
0139 Yi2min = max(Xbimax,[],1);
0140 Yi2max = Yi2min + 1;
0141 %
0142 % clear Xbimax
0143 %
0144 %
0145 %xytheta1min =  theta(xyi1min);
0146 %xytheta1max =  theta(xyi1max);
0147 %xytheta2min =  theta(xyi2min);
0148 %xytheta2max =  theta(xyi2max);
0149 %
0150 Yipshift = nt*(repmat((1:np),[1,nb])-1);
0151 %
0152 YiX1min = Yi1min(Ymask) + Yipshift(Ymask);
0153 YiX1max = Yi1max(Ymask) + Yipshift(Ymask);
0154 YiX2min = Yi2min(Ymask) + Yipshift(Ymask);
0155 YiX2max = Yi2max(Ymask) + Yipshift(Ymask);
0156 %
0157 YBx1min = reshape(XBx(YiX1min),[1,nY]);
0158 YBx1max = reshape(XBx(YiX1max),[1,nY]);
0159 YBx2min = reshape(XBx(YiX2min),[1,nY]);
0160 YBx2max = reshape(XBx(YiX2max),[1,nY]);
0161 %
0162 YBy1min = reshape(XBy(YiX1min),[1,nY]);
0163 YBy1max = reshape(XBy(YiX1max),[1,nY]);
0164 YBy2min = reshape(XBy(YiX2min),[1,nY]);
0165 YBy2max = reshape(XBy(YiX2max),[1,nY]);
0166 %
0167 YBz1min = reshape(XBz(YiX1min),[1,nY]);
0168 YBz1max = reshape(XBz(YiX1max),[1,nY]);
0169 YBz2min = reshape(XBz(YiX2min),[1,nY]);
0170 YBz2max = reshape(XBz(YiX2max),[1,nY]);
0171 %
0172 YB1min = reshape(XB(YiX1min),[1,nY]);
0173 YB1max = reshape(XB(YiX1max),[1,nY]);
0174 YB2min = reshape(XB(YiX2min),[1,nY]);
0175 YB2max = reshape(XB(YiX2max),[1,nY]);
0176 %
0177 Y1 = YBx1min.*YBx1max + YBy1min.*YBy1max + YBz1min.*YBz1max;
0178 Y2 = YBx2min.*YBx2max + YBy2min.*YBy2max + YBz2min.*YBz2max;
0179 %
0180 Ydelta1 = sqrt((Y1 - YBb.^2).^2 - (YBb.^2 - YB1min.^2).*(YBb.^2 - YB1max.^2));
0181 Ydelta2 = sqrt((Y2 - YBb.^2).^2 - (YBb.^2 - YB2min.^2).*(YBb.^2 - YB2max.^2));
0182 %
0183 Yalpha1a = ((YB1min.^2 - Y1) + Ydelta1)./(YB1min.^2 + YB1max.^2 - 2*Y1);
0184 Yalpha1b = ((YB1min.^2 - Y1) - Ydelta1)./(YB1min.^2 + YB1max.^2 - 2*Y1);
0185 %
0186 Yalpha2a = ((YB2min.^2 - Y2) + Ydelta2)./(YB2min.^2 + YB2max.^2 - 2*Y2);
0187 Yalpha2b = ((YB2min.^2 - Y2) - Ydelta2)./(YB2min.^2 + YB2max.^2 - 2*Y2);
0188 %
0189 tol = 1e-5;
0190 %
0191 Ymask1a = Yalpha1a >= -tol & Yalpha1a <= 1+tol;
0192 Ymask1b = Yalpha1b >= -tol & Yalpha1b <= 1+tol;
0193 Ymask2a = Yalpha2a >= -tol & Yalpha2a <= 1+tol;
0194 Ymask2b = Yalpha2b >= -tol & Yalpha2b <= 1+tol;
0195 %
0196 if Ymask1a + Ymask1b ~= ones(1,length(Ymask1a)),
0197     error('root 1 not determined');
0198 end
0199 if Ymask2a + Ymask2b ~= ones(1,length(Ymask1a)),
0200     error('root 2 not determined');
0201 end
0202 %
0203 Yalpha1 = (Ymask1a.*Yalpha1a + ~Ymask1a.*Yalpha1b);
0204 Yalpha2 = (Ymask2a.*Yalpha2a + ~Ymask2a.*Yalpha2b);
0205 %
0206 Yit_Bmin = repmat(pit_Bmin,[1,nb]);
0207 Yit_Bmax = repmat(pit_Bmax,[1,nb]);
0208 %
0209 Ytheta1 = NaN*ones(np,nb);
0210 Ytheta2 = NaN*ones(np,nb);
0211 Ytheta1(Ymask1) = theta(Yit_Bmax(Ymask1));
0212 Ytheta2(Ymask1) = theta(Yit_Bmax(Ymask1));
0213 %
0214 Yi1min = Yi1min(Ymask) + Yit_Bmin(Ymask) - 1;
0215 Yi1max = Yi1max(Ymask) + Yit_Bmin(Ymask) - 1;
0216 Yi2min = Yi2min(Ymask) + Yit_Bmin(Ymask) - 1;
0217 Yi2max = Yi2max(Ymask) + Yit_Bmin(Ymask) - 1;
0218 %
0219 Yi1min(Yi1min > nt) = Yi1min(Yi1min > nt) - nt; 
0220 Yi1max(Yi1max > nt) = Yi1max(Yi1max > nt) - nt; 
0221 Yi2min(Yi2min > nt) = Yi2min(Yi2min > nt) - nt; 
0222 Yi2max(Yi2max > nt) = Yi2max(Yi2max > nt) - nt; 
0223 %
0224 Ytheta1(Ymask) = theta(Yi1min).'.*(1 - Yalpha1) + theta(Yi1max).'.*Yalpha1;
0225 Ytheta2(Ymask) = theta(Yi2min).'.*(1 - Yalpha2) + theta(Yi2max).'.*Yalpha2;
0226 %
0227 if nargout > 2,
0228     %
0229     if length(sF) == 2,
0230         sF = [sF,1];
0231     end
0232     %
0233     sFp = prod(sF(3:end));
0234     %
0235     YF1 = NaN*ones(np*nb,sFp);
0236     YF2 = NaN*ones(np*nb,sFp);
0237     %
0238     XF = reshape(XF,[nt*np,sFp]);
0239     %
0240     YF1(Ymask1,:) = XF(Yit_Bmax(Ymask1) + Yipshift(Ymask1),:);
0241     YF2(Ymask1,:) = XF(Yit_Bmax(Ymask1) + Yipshift(Ymask1),:);
0242     %
0243     Yalpha1 = repmat(Yalpha1.',[1,sFp]);
0244     Yalpha2 = repmat(Yalpha2.',[1,sFp]);    
0245     %
0246     YF1(Ymask,:) = XF(Yi1min + Yipshift(Ymask),:).*(1 - Yalpha1) + XF(Yi1max + Yipshift(Ymask),:).*Yalpha1;
0247     YF2(Ymask,:) = XF(Yi2min + Yipshift(Ymask),:).*(1 - Yalpha2) + XF(Yi2max + Yipshift(Ymask),:).*Yalpha2;
0248     %
0249     YF1 = reshape(YF1,[np,nb,sFp]);
0250     YF2 = reshape(YF2,[np,nb,sFp]);    
0251     %
0252 end

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