


function [XXSavalanches_norm,xnrem_init,xnrep_init,xnre_out_norm] = avalanche_en(dkepath,dkeparam,dkedisplay,mksa,gridDKE,Zmomcoef,Zbouncecoef,ohm,equilDKE,radialDKE)


 This function calculates the avalanche source term

    - gridDKE: grid structure, XXmhu
    - display: dkedisplay structure
    - Zmomcoef
    - Zbouncecoef
    - equilDKE
    - radialDKE

    - The full avalanche operator S(p,mhu,l) (source term for runaways)

 By E. Nilsson (CEA-IRFM, emelie.nilsson@cea.fr) Yves Peysson (CEA-DRFC, yves.peysson@cea.fr) and Joan Decker
 (CEA-DRFC, joan.decker@cea.fr)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [XXSavalanches_norm,xnrem_init,xnrep_init,xnre_out_norm] = avalanche_en(dkepath,dkeparam,dkedisplay,mksa,gridDKE,Zmomcoef,Zbouncecoef,ohm,equilDKE,radialDKE)
0002 %
0003 % This function calculates the avalanche source term
0004 %
0005 % INPUT
0006 %    - gridDKE: grid structure, XXmhu
0007 %    - display: dkedisplay structure
0008 %    - Zmomcoef
0009 %    - Zbouncecoef
0010 %    - equilDKE
0011 %    - radialDKE
0012 %
0013 % OUTPUT:
0014 %    - The full avalanche operator S(p,mhu,l) (source term for runaways)
0015 %
0016 % By E. Nilsson (CEA-IRFM, emelie.nilsson@cea.fr) Yves Peysson (CEA-DRFC, yves.peysson@cea.fr) and Joan Decker
0017 % (CEA-DRFC, joan.decker@cea.fr)
0018 %
0019 xrho = equilDKE.xrho;
0020 xrhoT = equilDKE.xrhoT;
0021 xrhoP = equilDKE.xrhoP;
0022 xrhoV = equilDKE.xrhoV;
0023 %
0024 if isfield(ohm,'xnrem_init') && isfield(ohm,'xnrep_init'),
0025     if length(ohm.rho) == 1,%local calculation or uniform value
0026         xnrem_init = ohm.xnrem_init*ones(size(xrho));
0027         xnrep_init = ohm.xnrep_init*ones(size(xrho));
0028     elseif ~isfield(ohm,'rhotype') || strcmp(ohm.rhotype,'g'),%geometric rho
0029         xnrem_init = interp1(ohm.rho,ohm.xnrem_init,xrho,'spline')
0030         xnrep_init = interp1(ohm.rho,ohm.xnrep_init,xrho,'spline')
0031     elseif strcmp(ohm.rhotype,'p'),
0032         xnrem_init = interp1(ohm.rho,ohm.xnrem_init,xrhoP,'spline')
0033         xnrep_init = interp1(ohm.rho,ohm.xnrep_init,xrhoP,'spline')
0034     elseif strcmp(ohm.rhotype,'t'),
0035         xnrem_init = interp1(ohm.rho,ohm.xnrem_init,xrhoT,'spline')
0036         xnrep_init = interp1(ohm.rho,ohm.xnrep_init,xrhoT,'spline')
0037     elseif strcmp(ohm.rhotype,'v'),
0038         xnrem_init = interp1(ohm.rho,ohm.xnrem_init,xrhoV,'spline')
0039         xnrep_init = interp1(ohm.rho,ohm.xnrep_init,xrhoV,'spline')
0040     else
0041       error('unknown rho type in ohm structure')
0042     end
0043 else
0044     xnrem_init = zeros(size(xrho)); 
0045     xnrep_init = zeros(size(xrho));     
0046 end
0047 %
0048 if dkeparam.avalanche_mode == 1, %if 1, avalanche mode on
0049     %
0050     npsi = gridDKE.nr;
0051     npn = gridDKE.npn;
0052     nmhu = gridDKE.nmhu;
0053     %
0054     pnmin2_KO = dkeparam.pnmin2_KO; % low threshold on secondary electrons for the knock-on operator
0055     pnmax2_KO = dkeparam.pnmax2_KO; % high threshold on secondary electrons for the knock-on operator
0056     %
0057     %extending the grid so that we can count the avalanche created beyond pnmax_S, if pnmax2_KO > pnmax_S
0058     %
0059     pnRA = [gridDKE.pn,gridDKE.pn(end) + gridDKE.dpn(end):gridDKE.dpn(end):pnmax2_KO];
0060     npnRA = length(pnRA);
0061     dpnRA = [gridDKE.dpn,gridDKE.dpn(end)*ones(1,npnRA - npn)];
0062     %
0063     pnRA2 = pnRA.^2;
0064     XXpnRA2 = permute(repmat(pnRA.^2,[npsi,1,nmhu]),[2,3,1]);
0065     XXpnRA = permute(repmat(pnRA,[nmhu 1]),[2,1]);
0066     gammaRA = sqrt(1+(pnRA*mksa.betath_ref).^2);
0067     %
0068     if dkeparam.bounce_mode > 0,
0069         %[XXalpha_an,XXmask_ctsa,thetastar_an,thetastar_an2]=S_anal_en(equilDKE,gridDKE,Zmomcoef, pnRA, dpnRA, npnRA, gammaRA); %calculates alpha and theta* with analytical formula in circ concentric case
0070         tic
0071         [XXthetastar1,XXthetastar2,XXalpha] = thetastar_calc_dke_en(equilDKE,gridDKE,Zmomcoef, pnRA, dpnRA, npnRA, gammaRA);%calc the critical poloidal angle value theta_star for runaway avalanches with interp1
0072         toc
0073     else
0074         XXalpha=ones(npsi,npnRA,nmhu);
0075         XXthetastar1=0;
0076         XXthetastar2=0;
0077         XXalpha_an=ones(npsi,npnRA,nmhu);
0078     end
0079     %
0080     Lambd = mksa.lnc_e_ref;
0081     ne_ref=mksa.ne_ref;
0082     beta=mksa.betath_ref;
0083     ap=equilDKE.ap;
0084     Rp=equilDKE.Rp;
0085     %nr=0.05*ne;
0086     %
0087     B0=equilDKE.xB0;
0088     Bmax = max((sqrt(equilDKE.XBx.^2 + equilDKE.XBy.^2 + equilDKE.XBphi.^2)),[],2)';
0089     %
0090     mhu0T=sqrt(1-B0./Bmax);
0091     %
0092     [~,~,~,~,~,xbetath] = normcoef_dke_yp(mksa,equilDKE,gridDKE);
0093     for ipsi=1:npsi
0094         if ~isnan(pnmin2_KO),% S(p>=pnmin2_KO)
0095             if imag(pnmin2_KO) == 0,
0096                 pthmask = pnRA >= pnmin2_KO; %pmin normalized to reference thermal momentum
0097             else
0098                 pthmask = pnRA >= imag(pnmin2_KO)*xbetath(ipsi)/mksa.betath_ref; %pmin normalized to actual thermal momentum
0099             end
0100         else
0101             pthmask = pnRA >= 0; % mask set in main_dke_yp using XXRintmask
0102         end
0103         %
0104         if pnmax2_KO <= gridDKE.pn(end),
0105             pthmask = pthmask & pnRA <= pnmax2_KO;
0106         end
0107         %
0108         Srp(ipsi,:) = beta^3*beta^3*1/(4*pi)/Lambd./(beta*pnRA.*gammaRA.*(gammaRA-1).^2).*pthmask; % rosenbluth (S*), first beta3 is from the Jacobian
0109         for ip0=1:length(pnRA)
0110             p0mask = pnRA >= pnRA(ip0);
0111             I(ipsi,ip0) = 2*pi*integral_dke_jd(dpnRA,p0mask.*Srp(ipsi,:).*pnRA2,2);
0112         end
0113     end
0114     %
0115 %     figure;graph1D_jd(pnRA,I/I(1),0,0,'p>p0','integral over S [p0,pmax]','',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.','b',2);
0116     %
0117     XXSrp=permute(repmat(Srp, [1,1,nmhu]),[1,2,3]);
0118     %
0119     delt = zeros(npnRA,nmhu);
0120     %
0121     %delta function in the cylindrical + analytical case
0122     %
0123     for ip=1:npnRA
0124         xistar(ip) = sqrt((gammaRA(ip)-1)/(gammaRA(ip)+1));
0125         dxistar=gridDKE.dmhu(1);
0126         xigrid = linspace(xistar(ip)-1/2*dxistar,xistar(ip)+1/2*dxistar,2);
0127         fdel = 1*nmhu/2;
0128         mhu_S = linspace(gridDKE.mhu(1)-gridDKE.dmhu(1)/2, gridDKE.mhu(end)+gridDKE.dmhu(end)/2,nmhu+1);
0129         delt(ip,:) = redistrib_jd(xigrid,fdel,mhu_S,0);%integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.dmhu',delt(1,ip,:),3)
0130     end
0131     delt = permute(repmat(delt, [1,1,npsi]),[3,1,2]);
0132     %[dummy,I] = min(abs(gridDKE.mhu - sqrt((gammaRA(ip)-1)/(gammaRA(ip)+1))))
0133     %delt(:,ip,I) = 1;
0134     %delt(:,ip,nmhu-I+1) = 1;
0135     %
0136     if dkeparam.bounce_mode > 0,
0137         C=NaN(npsi,npnRA,nmhu);
0138         %
0139         for ipsi=1:npsi
0140             for m=1:nmhu
0141                 C(ipsi,:,m)=2/pi./(gammaRA+1)./(Zbouncecoef.Xxlambda(m,ipsi).*Zbouncecoef.xqtilde(ipsi)).*abs(gridDKE.mhu(m))./(1-gridDKE.mhu(m).^2).^2;
0142                 %
0143                 %XXS_an=XXSrp.*C.*XXalpha_an;
0144                 ximask = zeros(npsi,npnRA,nmhu);
0145                 ximask(:,:,nmhu/2+1:end) = 1; %positiv xi
0146                 XXbouncef=C.*XXalpha.*ximask; %numerical
0147             end
0148         end
0149         %
0150     else 
0151         C=1*delt; %cylindrical case
0152         XXbouncef=C.*XXalpha;
0153     end
0154     %
0155     XXSl = XXSrp.*XXbouncef; %<S()> numerical
0156     %
0157     XXSrp_xis=XXSrp.*delt; %3D analytical rosenbluth operator, non bounce averaged
0158     XXSl2=XXSrp_xis;
0159     XXSavalanches_normtot = permute(XXSl,[2,3,1]);
0160     %
0161     %check the operator, compare with theory RP NF 1997
0162     alpha = 1:0.5:20;%E/Ec
0163     Zi = -1;
0164     betath2 = mksa.betath_ref^2;%
0165     %
0166     for ia = 1:length(alpha)
0167         pc = sqrt(2)/sqrt((alpha(ia)-1)*betath2);
0168         %calculate secondary growth rate pmax<p<pext NORMALIZED to nr
0169         XXRintmask = XXpnRA >= pc;
0170         XXmhu0mask = gridDKE.mhup >= mhu0T;
0171         Srp_int_norm_nr(ia) = mksa.nhu_ref*2*pi*(Zbouncecoef.xqtilde(1,1)./Zbouncecoef.xqhat(1,1)).*integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.dmhu,XXmhu0mask'.*Zbouncecoef.Xxlambda.*integral_dke_jd(dpnRA,XXSavalanches_normtot(:,:,1).*XXRintmask.*XXpnRA2(:,:,1),1),1)'; %
0172     end
0173     %
0174     RR_an = RR_rosenbluth_en(alpha, Zi, mksa.ne_ref, mksa.lnc_e_ref, equilDKE.ap*equilDKE.xrho(1)/equilDKE.Rp); %analytic AVALANCHE growth rate Rosenbluth Putvinski NF 1997
0175     %
0176 %     figure;graph1D_jd(alpha,Srp_int_norm_nr./RR_an,0,0,'E/E_c','growth rate (s^-1)','Numerical growth rate',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','o','b',2);hold on
0177 %     graph1D_jd(alpha,RR_an./RR_an,0,0,'','','',NaN, NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',3);hold off
0178 %     figure;graph1D_jd(alpha,Srp_int_norm_nr,0,0,'E/E_c','growth rate (s^-1)','Numerical growth rate',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','o','b',2);hold on
0179 %     graph1D_jd(alpha,RR_an,0,0,'','','',NaN, NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',3);hold off
0180     %
0181     if npnRA > npn,
0182         xnre_out_norm(1,gridDKE.rdke) = 2*pi*(Zbouncecoef.xqtilde./Zbouncecoef.xqhat).*integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.dmhu,Zbouncecoef.Xxlambda.*integral_dke_jd(dpnRA((npn+1):end),XXSavalanches_normtot((npn+1):end,:,gridDKE.rdke).*XXpnRA2((npn+1):end,:,gridDKE.rdke),1),1)'; % runaway electrons created outisde pmax THIS IS A RATE! (per collision time)
0183     else
0184         xnre_out_norm(1,gridDKE.rdke) = 0;
0185     end
0186     %
0187     XXSavalanches_norm = XXSavalanches_normtot(1:npn,:,:); %the avalanche part with p < pmax
0188     %
0189     %
0190     %display section:
0191     % if dkedisplay.display_mode>0
0192     %ir=1; %nr of the flux surface to be displayed
0193     %     if Zbouncecoef.XXlambda~=1
0194     %
0195     %        ir=1
0196     %         figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn,gridDKE.mhu,squeeze(XXthetastar1(ir,:,:)),'p','mhu','theta^*_1',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,30); colorbar;
0197     %         figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn,gridDKE.mhu,squeeze(XXthetastar2(ir,:,:)),'p','mhu','theta^*_2',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,30); colorbar;
0198     %         figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn,gridDKE.mhu,squeeze(XXS(ir,:,:)),'p','mhu','S',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,30); colorbar;
0199     %         for ipsi=1:npsi
0200     %             figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn,gridDKE.mhu,squeeze(XXbouncef(ipsi,:,:)),'p','mhu','Bouncefactor',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,100); colorbar;
0201     %             figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn,gridDKE.mhu,squeeze(XXalpha(ipsi,:,:)),'p','mhu','XXalpha',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,100); colorbar;
0202     %             figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn,gridDKE.mhu,squeeze(C(ipsi,:,:)),'p','mhu','C',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,100); colorbar;
0203     %         end
0205     % for ipsi=1:npsi
0206     % figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.xpn.*gridDKE.Xmhu,gridDKE.xpn.*sqrt(1-gridDKE.Xmhu.^2),squeeze(XXbouncef(ipsi,:,:))','p_{par}/p_{th}','p_{perp}/p_{th}','BF',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,30); colorbar;
0207     %  hold on
0208     % h = plot(gridDKE.pn.*mhuT(ipsi),gridDKE.pn.*sqrt(1-mhuT(ipsi).^2));
0209     % %h2 = plot(-gridDKE.pn.*mhuT(ipsi),gridDKE.pn.*sqrt(1-mhuT(ipsi).^2));
0210     % set(h,'Color','k','LineWidth',2)
0211     % %set(h2,'Color','k','LineWidth',2)
0212     % end
0213     %
0214     %
0215     %         figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn,gridDKE.mhu,squeeze(thetastar_an2(ir,:,:)),'p','mhu','theta^*_2 anal.',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,30); colorbar;
0216     %         figure;graph2D_jd(pnRA,gridDKE.mhu,squeeze(XXalpha_an(ir,:,:)),'p','mhu','XXalpha analytical',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,100); colorbar;
0217     % figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.xpn.*gridDKE.XXmhu,gridDKE.xpn.*sqrt(1-gridDKE.XXmhu.^2),squeeze(thetastar_an(ir,:,:))','p_{par}/p_{th}','p_{perp}/p_{th}','theta^*_1 anal.',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,30); colorbar;
0218     %         %figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn(:),gridDKE.XXmhu(1,:,l),XXthetastar2(:,:,l),'p','mhu','theta^*_2',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,30);colorbar;
0219     %         %figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn(:),gridDKE.XXmhu(1,:,l),log(XXS(:,:,l)),'p','mhu','log(S)',NaN,NaN,1,NaN,30);colorbar;
0220     %         %figure;graph2D_jd(Zmomcoef.xz.*gridDKE.XXmhu,Zmomcoef.xz.*sqrt(1-gridDKE.XXmhu.^2),log(XXS(:,:,l)),'p_{par}/p_{th}','p_{perp}/p_{th}','log(S)',NaN,NaN,1,NaN,30);colorbar;
0221     %         %figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn(:),gridDKE.XXmhu(1,:,l),C(:,:,l),'p/p_{th}','mhu','C',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,30);
0222     %         %figure;graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn(:),gridDKE.XXmhu(1,:,l),XXalpha(:,:,l),'p/p_{th}','mhu','XXalpha',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,50);colorbar;
0223     %         %check that the thetas appear in the same place in matrix:
0224     %         figure;hold on
0225     %         for n=1:npsi
0226     %             graph1D_jd(1:nmhu,sum(~isnan(squeeze(XXthetastar1(n,:,:)))),0,0,'','','',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','o','b')
0227     %             graph1D_jd(1:nmhu,sum(~isnan(squeeze(XXthetastar2(n,:,:)))),0,0,'column in theta matrix','nr of non NaN per row','',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.','r')
0228     %         end
0229     % %       figure; graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn(:).*gridDKE.XXmhu(1,:,l),gridDKE.pn(:).*sqrt(1-gridDKE.XXmhu(1,:,l).^2),XXthetastar1(:,:,l)'/pi,'p_{par}/p_{th}','p_{perp}/p_{th}','theta^*_1/pi',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,60);colorbar;
0230     % %       figure; graph2D_jd(gridDKE.pn(:).*gridDKE.XXmhu(1,:,l),gridDKE.pn(:).*sqrt(1-gridDKE.XXmhu(1,:,l).^2),XXthetastar2(:,:,l)'/pi,'p_{par}/p_{th}','p_{perp}/p_{th}','theta^*_2/pi',NaN,NaN,0,NaN,60);colorbar;
0231     %     end
0232     %     %
0233     % figure
0234     % ylabel('XXalpha')
0235     % hold on
0236     % for h=1:nmhu
0237     % plot(XXalpha(1,:,h),'r*')
0238     % end
0239     % figure
0240     % ylabel('XXalpha anal.')
0241     % hold on
0242     % for h=1:nmhu
0243     % plot(XXalpha_an(1,:,h),'r*')
0244     % end
0245     %     figure
0246     %     for g=1:npsi
0247     %         XS=squeeze(XXS(g,:,:));
0248     %         XS(isnan(XS)) = 0;
0249     %         XSint = integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.dmhu,XS,2)/sum(gridDKE.dmhu); %integrate over mhu, pos n neg : /2
0250     %         graph1D_jd(gridDKE.pn,XSint,0,1,'p','S_{bounce}','S on each flux surface',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.')
0251     %         hold all,
0252     %     end
0253     %
0254     %         figure
0255     %     for g=1:npsi
0256     %         XS=squeeze(XXS(g,:,:));
0257     %         XS(isnan(XS)) = 0;
0258     %         XSint = integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.pn,XS,1)/sum(gridDKE.dmhu); %integrate over mhu, pos n neg : /2
0259     %         graph1D_jd(gridDKE.mhu,XSint,0,0,'mhu','S_{bounce}','S on each flux surface',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.')
0260     %         hold all,
0261     %     end
0262     %     figure
0263     %     for g=1:npsi
0264     %         XSan=squeeze(XXS_an(g,:,:));
0265     %         XSan(isnan(XSan)) = 0;
0266     %         XSan_int = integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.dmhu,XSan,2)/sum(gridDKE.dmhu); %integrate over mhu, pos n neg : /2
0267     %         graph1D_jd(gridDKE.pn,XSan_int,0,1,'p','S_{bounce} analytical','S on each flux surface',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.')
0268     %     end
0269     %     %compare analytic alpha
0270     %          figure
0271     %     for g=1:npsi
0272     %         XSan=squeeze(XXS_an(g,:,:));
0273     %         XSan(isnan(XSan)) = 0;
0274     %         XSan_int = integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.pn,XSan,1)/sum(gridDKE.dmhu); %integrate over mhu, pos n neg : /2
0275     %         graph1D_jd(gridDKE.mhu,XSan_int,0,0,'mhu','S_{bounce} anal.','S on each flux surface',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.')
0276     %         hold all,
0277     %     end
0278     %
0279 %             figure
0280 %             %
0281 %         for g=1:npsi
0282 %             XS = squeeze(XXSl(g,:,:));
0283 %             XS(isnan(XS)) = 0;
0284 %             XSint = integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.dmhu,XS,2);
0285 %             %semilogy(gridDKE.pn,XSint,'.-')
0286 %             %legend(sprintf( '%s: %d', 'rho', gridDKE.xrho(ir)));
0287 %             graph1D_jd(pnRA,XSint,0,1,'p','S_{bounce} LUKE','S on each flux surface',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.')
0288 %             hold all,
0289 %         end
0290 %             semilogy(pnRA, Srp(g,:),'rx');title('Rosenbluth theory (red x)'); xlabel('p'); ylabel('S')
0291 %      %
0292 %               figure
0293 %             %
0294 %         for g=1:npsi
0295 %             XSrp = squeeze(XXSrp_xis(g,:,:)); %integrate the 3D analytical S_RP, should get same as plotting the 2D Srp
0296 %             XSrpint = integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.dmhu,XSrp,2);%/(gridDKE.dmhu(1)); %integrate over mhu, pos n neg : /2
0297 %             %semilogy(gridDKE.pn,XSint,'.-')
0298 %             %legend(sprintf( '%s: %d', 'rho', gridDKE.xrho(ir)));
0299 %             graph1D_jd(pnRA,XSrpint,0,1,'p','S_{RP}','S on each flux surface',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.')
0300 %             hold all,
0301 %         end
0302 %             semilogy(pnRA, Srp(g,:),'rx');title('S_RP compared to Rosenbluth theory (red x)'); xlabel('p'); ylabel('S')
0303     %as fcn of mhu, for each slize of p
0304     % figure
0305     % hold on
0306     % for ip=1:npn
0307     %         XS = squeeze(XXS(1,:,:));
0308     % graph1D_jd(gridDKE.mhu,XS(ip,:),0,0,'mhu','S','',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.','b')
0309     % end
0310     % %
0311     % figure
0312     % for g=1:npsi
0313     %     Xbouncef = squeeze(XXbouncef(g,:,:));
0314     %     Xbouncef(isnan(Xbouncef)) = 0;
0315     %     Xbouncefint = integral_dke_jd(ones(1,length(gridDKE.dmhu)),Xbouncef,2); %integrate over mhu, pos n neg : /2
0316     %     graph1D_jd(gridDKE.pn,Xbouncefint,0,0,'p','Bounce factor','',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.','b')
0317     %     legend(sprintf( '%s: %d', 'rho', gridDKE.xrho(g)));
0318     %     %graph1D_jd(Zmomcoef.xz,XS,0,1,'S_{bounce}','p','S on each flux surface',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.')
0319     %     hold all,
0320     % end
0321     % figure
0322     % for g=1:npsi
0323     %     Xalpha = squeeze(XXalpha(g,:,:));
0324     %     Xalpha(isnan(Xalpha)) = 0;
0325     %     Xalphaint = integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.dmhu,Xalpha,2)/sum(gridDKE.dmhu); %integrate over mhu, pos n neg : /2
0326     %     graph1D_jd(gridDKE.pn,Xalphaint,0,0,'p','Xalpha','',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.','b')
0327     %     legend(sprintf( '%s: %d', 'rho', gridDKE.xrho(g)));
0328     %     %graph1D_jd(Zmomcoef.xz,XS,0,1,'S_{bounce}','p','S on each flux surface',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.')
0329     %     hold all,
0330     % end
0331     % figure
0332     %     for g=1:npsi
0333     %         Xalpha_anal=squeeze(XXalpha_an(g,:,:));
0334     %         Xalpha_anal(isnan(Xalpha_anal)) = 0;
0335     %         Xalpha_anal_int = integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.dmhu,Xalpha_anal,2)/sum(gridDKE.dmhu); %integrate over mhu, pos n neg : /2
0336     %         graph1D_jd(gridDKE.pn,Xalpha_anal_int,0,0,'p','Xalpha analytical','alpha on each flux surface',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.')
0337     %     end
0338     % figure
0339     % for g=1:ir
0340     %     Xmask = squeeze(XXmask_ctsa(g,:,:));
0341     %     Xmaskint = integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.dmhu,Xmask,2)/sum(gridDKE.dmhu); %integrate over mhu, pos n neg : /2
0342     %     graph1D_jd(gridDKE.pn,Xmaskint,0,0,'p','Xmask','',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.','b')
0343     %     legend(sprintf( '%s: %d', 'rho', gridDKE.xrho(ir)));
0344     %     %graph1D_jd(Zmomcoef.xz,XS,0,1,'S_{bounce}','p','S on each flux surface',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.')
0345     %     hold all,
0346     % end
0347     % figure
0348     % hold on
0349     % for ip=1:npn
0350     %         Xalpha = squeeze(XXalpha(3,:,:));
0351     % graph1D_jd(gridDKE.mhu,Xalpha(ip,:),0,0,'mhu','Xalpha','',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.','b')
0352     % end
0353     % figure
0354     % hold on
0355     % for ip=1:npn
0356     %         Xalphaan = squeeze(XXalpha_an(1,:,:));
0357     % graph1D_jd(gridDKE.mhu,Xalphaan(ip,:),0,0,'mhu','Xalpha anal.','',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.','b')
0358     % end
0359     % figure
0360     % hold on
0361     % for g=1:npsi
0362     %     XC = squeeze(C(g,:,:));
0363     %     XC(isnan(XC)) = 0;
0364     %     XCint = integral_dke_jd(gridDKE.dmhu,XC,2)/sum(gridDKE.dmhu); %integrate over mhu, pos n neg : /2
0365     %     graph1D_jd(gridDKE.pn,XCint,0,0,'p','XC','',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.','b')
0366     %     legend(sprintf( '%s: %d', 'rho', gridDKE.xrho(g)));
0367     %     %graph1D_jd(Zmomcoef.xz,XS,0,1,'S_{bounce}','p','S on each flux surface',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.')
0368     %     hold all,
0369     % end
0370     % figure
0371     % hold on
0372     % for ip=1:npn
0373     %         XC = squeeze(C(3,:,:));
0374     % graph1D_jd(gridDKE.mhu,XC(ip,:),0,0,'mhu','C','',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','.','b')
0375     % end
0376     %
0377     % end
0378 else %if no avalanche mode is specified, zero contribution
0379     XXSavalanches_norm = zeros(gridDKE.npn,gridDKE.nmhu,gridDKE.nr);
0380     xnre_out_norm = zeros(1,gridDKE.nr); 
0381 end

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